Chapter Seven

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As Y/N's eyes fluttered open, she was greeted by the warm, golden light of morning streaming through the hotel room window. For a moment, she was disoriented, her mind foggy from the remnants of sleep. But as her gaze fell upon the tousled mess of Sanji's hair, the events of the previous night came flooding back.

Their date had been a whirlwind of laughter, good food, and even better company. She had been a little hesitant at first, unsure of what to expect from the infamous Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates. But Sanji had been a perfect gentleman, charming and attentive, making her feel like the only woman in the world.

As she turned to face him, Sanji stirred, his eyes snapping open with a sleepy grin. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, his voice husky from sleep.

Y/N's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't help but smile at the endearment. It was silly, really – she was a strong, capable warrior, after all – but there was something about Sanji's words that made her feel all fluttery inside.

Sanji sat up, running a hand through his hair, and Y/N couldn't help but notice the way his muscles flexed beneath his skin. She had seen him fight, of course – who hadn't? – but it was different, somehow, to see him like this, relaxed and vulnerable.

"Good morning," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Sanji leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a gentle, sweet kiss.

For a moment, they just sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside receding into the background. It was a fragile, fleeting moment, one that Y/N knew wouldn't last, but she was determined to savor it, to hold onto it for as long as she could.

As they broke apart, Sanji's eyes crinkled at the corners, and he smiled, a lazy, contented smile. "I had a wonderful time last night," he said, his voice low and husky.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat. She had, too. It was strange, really – she had gone into this whole 'giving Sanji a chance' and in just one night, a couple drinks, good food and company, she was smitten by this cook.

"Me too," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sanji leaned in again, his lips tracing the curve of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "Perhaps," he whispered, "we can do it again sometime?"

Y/N's pulse raced as she nodded, her heart soaring with excitement. She knew, deep down, that this was just the beginning of something special, something that would change her life forever.

As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside fading into the background, Y/N knew that she would never forget this moment, this feeling, this sense of possibility that hung in the air like a promise.

And as they kissed again, the world outside receding further and further into the distance, Y/N knew that she was ready to take the leap, to see where this newfound connection would take her. After all, as Sanji would say, "The most important ingredient in any recipe is love."
In this case, it was a recipe for something truly special – something that would change her life, and his, forever.

In the kitchen

The atmosphere was electric, with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filling the air. Sanji, beaming with pride, wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist, pulling her close as they made their way to the table.

Nami, ever the pragmatic one, raised an eyebrow at the display of affection, but a small smile played on her lips. "So, it's official, huh?" she asked, her tone light and teasing.

Y/N's cheeks flushed, but she couldn't help the radiant grin that spread across her face. "Yeah. I always knew my sweet Y/N had a thing for me. Isn't she just beautiful!?" Sanji said, his heart eyes locked on Y/N's, his voice filled with adoration.

"She really is!" Chopper agreed with a cute smile.

Robin, ever the observer, watched the scene unfold with interest, her eyes darting between the happy couple and the rest of the crew. She noted the way Zoro's eyes narrowed slightly, his usual stoic expression softening ever so slightly as he took in the scene. Usopp, on the other hand, looked like he was about to burst with excitement, his eyes shining with mischief.

Chopper, always the gentle soul, smiled warmly at the pair, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "I'm so happy for you both," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You two were meant to be."

Luffy looked at the couple with a confused expression. "Wait, what's going on?" he asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Nami rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Sanji and Y/N are officially a couple, Luffy," she explained patiently.

Luffy's face lit up with understanding. "Oh, yeah! I knew it! Sanji's got a girlfriend!" he exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

The kitchen erupted into laughter, the tension and excitement of the moment dissipating as the crew celebrated the love between Sanji and Y/N. As they sat down to enjoy their meal together, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie, the bonds between them stronger than ever.

As they dug into their breakfast, the conversation flowed easily, with Sanji and Y/N basking in the attention and affection of their friends. They talked about their adventures, shared stories, and reminisced about old times. It was a morning filled with laughter, love, and a sense of belonging. Sanji wouldn't stop rambling about his girlfriend he had been per-suing for months, "I just can't wait to see her walking down the aisle! I can already imagine her in her gorgeous dress. And our kids too! Wouldn't mini Y/N be the cutest?!" Sanji spoke with hearts in his eyes, swaying from side to side as Y/N spat out her drink, "Marriage?! Kids?!"

That caused everyone, but the couple, to burst out in laughter, including Zoro.

"Why are you laughing, Zoro? I'll be using Uncle Zoro as my free baby sitter." Y/N smirked as Zoro argued back.

As they finished their meal and began to clear the table, Robin spoke up, her voice thoughtful, "You know, it's moments like these that remind us what we're fighting for," she said, her eyes scanning the room. "We're not just fighting for the Will of D, or for treasure, or for fame. We're fighting for each other, for the bonds we've formed, and for the love we share."

The room fell silent, the only sound the clinking of dishes as the crew absorbed Robin's words. It was a poignant reminder of what drove them, of what made their quest worth fighting for. And as they went their separate ways, each one of them carried the warmth and love of that morning with them, a beacon to guide them through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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