34. Randy's Secret

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After they talked and all

Billy was fucking the shit out of Sidney as she was moaning with all her might. Little did she know, in his mind, your face was on hers. As her eyes were closed to feel the pleasure, he stared at her face, only seeing you, making him more turned on. Though he was only doing this to take her virginity away because every victim has to die without a virginity in the book of horror. He kept staring at her face, only seeing you, and he wanted so badly to kiss, but didn't wanna kiss HER lips. I already fucked her, I already fucked her...but I still want her. He pounded her straight into the bed, letting the bed shake as he kept his eyes on her face, imagining you.


You turned on the sink water and drank water out from the faucet like water is the only drink in the world. You slurped it down as fast as you could. After, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and hurried out the bathroom and down the stairs. Why do I feel so sick? You sat down on the couch where you only saw Randy. No Stu and no everyone else. "Where'd everyone go? Where's Stu?" You asked him. "Left because Principal Himbry was murdered and Stu, I have no...-" he cleared his throat as he took a quick sip of his beer. "I have no idea." He finished. You shifted your eyes around feeling strange and you took a deep breath.

"I should be the one sleeping with Sid, y'know? But hey, she prefers the serial killers." He said with a shrug and began chugging his beer. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him. Don't say anything, you only make things worse. Just ask about Sid, not Billy. "Would you of taken her away from him?" You asked. "Without a doubt. Honestly...I fucking hate Billy. I've just always had problems with that dumb asshole." He replied. You had froze as you listened to him and you looked over at him a bit curious and shocked. "What do you mean...?" You asked.

"Like, he's disliked me- or atleast fucking hated me because I'm a smart ass. Sorry to talk shit about your little sissy of a supposed bestfriend, but he needs to go jerk-off alone. He's been that dumb asshole ever since I became your friend, pretty much. He's got a lot of shit to say about me, hoping I'd give a shit. I mean, I do...it just pisses me off he thinks he can possess any goddamm thing he has in his life, even if it's a main priority I had no idea he even found admiring." He explained.

You just stared at him in slight confusion but a bit of shockness. "Let me let you in on a little secret, but you gotta promise you won't say shit." Randy warned. "No, I won't, just tell me." You pleaded. Please be nothing new. "Before you met Billy, he was a complete weird ass moron. I remember him threatening to shoot up the school." You froze and your eyes widened in complete horror. "Please tell me you're joking..." he shook his head as he sipped his beer, his eyes still on the television that was still playing Halloween.

"I also remember walking in the bathroom one day and saw him pull out a handgun from his backpack and started pointing it at the mirror, almost like he was mimicking a head shot. Now I didn't say shit about it...I just walked right out as if I didn't see anything." You were staring at Randy in absolute horror and you felt your stomach acting up again. "Does anyone know where Tatum is? Like...at all?" You asked him with fear in your voice. "Stu said he was going to go find her. Haven't seen him since." He replied.

You got up from the couch as you held your stomach and you felt lightheaded and like you wanted to puke again. Save me, help me. Dear God, please...someone, help me. My bestfriend's a psychopath. All that was running through your head was Sidney, Billy, Randy, Stu, Tatum, home, death, a gun, your random sickness, and...whatever the fuck else was going on. You then felt a bottle go to the back of your head, instantly knocking you out cold to the ground.

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