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Evening at 6 pm..

All r sitting in living area, only bottoms as tops have some work so they didn't come for lunch so jin send them lunch through guards,

They r waiting for Dr baek, who told them that he's on the way, just then they saw yoongi hobi namjoon jk jeongukk coming, they all came and sit on couch while stretching their arms neck legs,

Jin:"what happen, you guys early today." He ask.
Yoongi:"we completed our work just have to go to headquarters but its still have time so we thought to get freshen up." He says,

Hobi:"what you guys doing here." He ask.
V:"look there." As he says all look their where he's pointing and a smile came on their faces, taemin cuddling with eachother watching pikachu, tae almost sleep and jimin is also near to sleep they didn't notice tops,

Jin:"and also Dr baek is on his way, now you guys go freshen up and come, I think it's better if u all will be present when Dr baek came." He says.

Jeongukk:"what will we do." He ask.
V:"nothing much because if there is operation then tae never ever gonna agree for operation if we all make him understand perhaps he will listen that's why." He says with a tight lip smile,

Jeongukk:"stop your antics before I throw a frog on you." He says, v glare at him,
V:"I will kill you with my bare hands." He says while glaring at jeongukk who just chuckle..

Jeongukk:"not in life kim." He says.
V:" you r so irritating hyung how you guys r handling him." He ask looking at jin,
Yoongi:" we also find same v but what we can do he's our boss." He says jeongukk glare at him,

V:" boss (roll his eyes), atleast learn from your twin who have manners and he do not poke in others matters." He says.
Jeongukk:"you also go and learn from taehyung who have manners and respect towards elders." He says.

V:" I'm well mannered but it's just I will give respect to them who respect me." He says.
Jeongukk:"yeah yeah I can see how much well mannered you r, and how u r talking with your elders." He says.
V:"what elder elder, r u an old man or uncle." He says, jeongukk galre at him,

Jin:"ok now stop both of you, I don't know what will happen to gukk when he start fight with v, you guys r fighting on unnecessary topic." He says when he notice jeongukk was about to say something,

Jeongukk:"whatever I'm going to freshen up I'll deal with you later lil frog." He says.
V:"i'm not frog, don't you dare to call me with that name." He says glaring at jeongukk who just roll his eyes,

Jeongukk:" you r a frog look today you r wearing green same to same as frog." He says and went towards his room, v look towards his outfit just to curse himself..
V:"you." He look up but jeongukk already went up, he just sigh frustratedly, others also went towards their rooms..

Just then a guard came,
Guard:" Mr kim someone name Dr baek came should we send him in." He ask,
Jin:" send him in." He says, guard bow and went away,

After a min, jinv welcome Dr baek,
Dr baek:" hello Mr kim." He says.
Jin:"no need to be formal just call me jin." He says baek just noded,
Dr baek:"how r uh v and where is tae how he is." He ask.

V:"I'm perfectly fine hyung, thank you so much for coming, tae is also fine he's sleeping." He says while pointing towards taemin.. just then namjoon along with others came down,

Namjoon:"hello Doctor." He says.
Dr baek:"hello Mr kim, I'm really glad to meet you all, you guys really helped and rescue so many innocent lives." He says with a smile, they just smile at him yeah except jeongukk and jk

Dr baek:"sorry to ask you v but how do you know them." He ask.
V:"long story but think them as my and tae's FAMILY." He says with a smile all of them just look at him, how much they torture them yeah they didn't but still it's all because of them and now he's really considering them as his family..

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