Chapter 19: Oh no!

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Viva: Everything okay Flora?

Flora: Nope now Clara's missing and Jade and Sandy can't get in touch with her

Viva: Oh no

Flora: Sandy told me to call her and see if she answers

Then Flora calls Clara on the phone

Flora: Come on Clara pick up

Clara over the phone: Hello?

Flora: Clara

Clara over the phone: Flora? Boy am I glad to hear you

Flora: Jade and Sandy called and said that you weren't answering the phone

Clara over the phone: Oh well I haven't been able to get in touch with anyone

Flora: Any luck finding Blossom?

Clara over the phone: Flora I kind of have bigger things to worry about right now

Flora: What do you mean? Are you okay?

Clara over the phone: It may have something to do with why I wasn't answering the phone

Flora: What happened?

Clara over the phone: Well I was looking for Blossom and went to this place called Mount Rageous and met to Rageons and now they might be chasing me for my musical talent

Flora: What?! 😨

Clara over the phone: Yeah and I'll say this they definitely don't give up

Flora: Where are you?

Clara over the phone: In a place called Mount Rageous

Flora: Wait why do they want your talent?

Clara over the phone: Apparently they have no talent of their own and instead of practicing and putting in the work they want to take my musical talent to get famous faster

Then a crash sound is heard in the background

Flora: Clara? Are you okay?

Clara over the phone: I need you to get our siblings

Flora: I can get our sisters no problem

Clara over the phone: Not just them

Flora: Who else?

Clara over the phone: Don't think that I'm stupid Flora I know about our brothers and we'll need them to help out

Flora: What?

Clara over the phone: These 2 are trying to imprison me in a Diamond Prison and only one thing can break diamond

Flora: Oh please don't say it

Clara over the phone: Afraid so the Perfect Family Harmony

Flora: There has to be another way you know what almost happened last time we tried to do that

Clara over the phone: I know but it's the only way I don't think I can outrun them. Ah!

Flora: Clara

Clara over the phone: Hurry Flora

Flora: Clara

Clara over the phone: Leg me go! Put me down!

Then the phone hangs up

Flora: Clara

Clay: What happened?

Flora: Clara was kidnapped

Branch: What?! 😨

Flora: I don't want to lose her

Floyd: Then we'll go save her

Flora: The only way is to get all of our siblings and sing the Perfect Family Harmony. And I know that Jade and Sandy are going to be questioning me about this when I tell them

Viva: What happened?

Flora: We tried it at a concert years ago but failed and had a fight and almost broke up but we stayed realizing that we couldn't let this one thing get to us

Floyd: A concert? Like a band?

Flora: Well yeah my sisters and I are a girl group. We're called StarZone

Viva: StarZone? No way I love StarZone

Flora: Really? We haven't been performing a lot since Sandy got married and started a family of her own

Viva: Yeah no wonder you looked familiar. You're the Sensitive One

Flora: Yeah I am

Floyd: You're the Sensitive One in your band?

Flora: Yeah just like you are in BroZone

Floyd: How did you?

Flora: Did you really think that I wouldn't know anything about my brothers plus my sisters and I listen to you guys a lot

Clay: Oh and I told you that when I babysat you when you were little

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