Chapter 13

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Bridget went into her room

Bridget: That was fantastic

Viva: It was fantastamazing

Poppy: Well now we know where Creek is

Bridget: Wait you can't leave you need to help me out on TrollStice

Floyd: But we can't

Luna: We don't want to see our kind get eaten

Poppy: You can still be happy

Bridget: That's impossible only eating a troll can make you happy

Then the trolls left to find Creek

They used a roller-skate to get out, but Creek was gone

Poppy: Oh no

Branch: I'm sorry Poppy but we're too late

Chef: Actually your timing is perfect

Then she put them in a cage

Chef: Sorry but I can't have you leaving before tomorrow's dinner to which you are all invited. And when I say all I mean every troll in Troll Village

Poppy: You'll never find them

Branch: Yeah not where they're hiding

Chef: Oh you're right I could never find them, but I could with someone they know. Someone they trust. Someone like him

Then she pulled Creek out of her faniepack

Poppy: Creek you're alive

Branch: He's selling us out

Then he wraps his hair around Creek's neck

Clay: Branch! Calm down

Floyd: Chill bro

Then Branch let go

Poppy: Just give him a chance to explain

Creek: Thank you Poppy. I'm selling you out

Then Poppy wraps her hair around Creek's neck

Snack Pack: Poppy!

Viva: Don't get on my sister's bad side

Poppy lets go

Poppy: You better explain yourself Creek

Then Creek tells them what happened

Poppy: Creek no

Skylar: You can't do this

Isla: Yeah

Creek: Honestly I wish there was another me not getting eaten way

Chef: But there isn't

Then Creek took Poppy's cowbell and later played it and tricked the other trolls and they got captured

King Peppy: Poppy! Viva!

Viva: Dad!

Poppy: Hi dad

King Peppy: Are you 2 okay?

Viva: I'm fine

Poppy: Yeah I got everyone I love thrown in a pot thanks for asking

Biggie: Poppy are you being sarcastic?

Poppy: Yes

Everyone: 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

Smidge: Oh my guh

Poppy: I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking

Viva: Poppy

Poppy: All I wanted was to save everyone like you did dad

Then she started to turn grey

Viva: Poppy 😨

Seeing her sister turn grey made Viva upset and she started to turn grey

Clay: Viva 😨

Then he turned grey sad to see Viva turn grey

Then all of the trolls turned grey

Branch knew what he had to do. He went to Poppy

Then everyone's colors came back

Troll Kid: Princess Poppy are we gonna be okay?

Poppy: I don't know but I know that we're all going to get out of this together

Then Bridget opened the pot and let them out

Poppy: Bridget come with us

Bridget: And make it easier for them to find you. No way

The she closed the door

Viva: Come on Poppy

What If Floyd Came BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora