Chapter 3

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Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy :)

The Emperor gives the commlink back to Vader, who then crosses his arms behind his back. Ever the stoic being. The Emperor still wears a masochistic grin on his face. I try to keep eye contact, to not show fear, but the tears still fall.

"Here is what you can do senator. I will place you in the inhabitants of one of my highly ranked officers. There, you will abide by his rules and he will report any...unwillingness to me. You will do whatever he asks of you. He will escort you to and from the capital. Other than that, you will be locked in his suite."

I try to keep a straight face. What have I gotten myself into? I can't do my job or help the rebellion from being locked inside a room.

"You will support any and all acts or negotiations that will further the Empire, starting with our negotiations with the trade federations." My brows furrow at this news. It has been well known that the Trade Federation and Emperor have been in kahoots since before the downfall of the republic. They were just another pawn in his game. Since his rise to power, it has become known that the relationship has been rather tumultuous lately. From my understanding, the Trade Federation believes that they haven't been properly seen to since the full rise of the Empire. It isn't surprising seeing as once you no longer show any use to the Empire, they tend to get rid of you. But what does that have to do with me?

"Once you are settled, you will be filled in with the situation as well as doing whatever you can to reverse your work on the Security Act." I try not to scoff and roll my eyes. Sure, I'll definitely try my hardest.

"Don't think of this lightly. You are only useful to me until a certain point senator. When that point comes to an end, so will you" he says sinisterly. A chill runs down my spine. "One last thing, despite your claims of not being a rebel, I am hard pressed to believe you. So, you will have daily interrogations with Lord Vader to extract the information I need".

~ ~ ~ ~

Once being dismissed from the Emperor's interrogation, I was speedily moved into a transport and brought to a smaller (albeit still pretty tall compared to most building in Coruscant) gray building. I was brought to a room towards the top and pretty much thrown into a room, to which I was introduced to the gold protocol droid standing in front of me.

"Hello, I am C-Threepio, human-cyborg relations." He waves his metal gold hand. His glowing robotic eyes stare into me.

I try to conjure up a smile, "Hi. My name is Padme."

"Yes, I have been informed of your stay. I am here to hopefully help the transition. Is there anything I can do for you?"

I think, "Can you show me where I am to sleep?" He bows as a way of saying yes. He begins walking down a stark white hallway. As we walk, I take a look at the surrounding areas. The living room and kitchenette area are an open concept that are stark white with gold accents. One whole wall was just windows, allowing a breathtaking view of the city. Just out of reach. A reminder that the world keeps going while I am trapped here. If this is someone's home, it doesn't feel like it. There are barely any photos or adornments that cover the walls. It seems more like an expensive hotel room rather than a home. There are several rooms but the doors are closed. Threepio stops.

"This is his master room, you are not permitted to enter, nor are you allowed to enter the control room." I nod. Sure. Threepio goes a little further down the hall then turns towards me.

"Here is your room. Anything you need my lady? Are you hungry?"

I smile, "No thank you." I haven't eaten since lunch but I am not hungry. I have lost my appetite. Being choked and threatened tends to do that. Threepio leaves. I open the door to my new prison cell. As far as those go it actually seems pretty nice. There is a fairly big bed that is covered in satin coral. The walls are a light peach. Once again there isn't much in the way of decor, but there is a small chaise lounge with a fluffy blanket. There is a bathroom off to the side with a sink, toilet, tub and free standing shower. The marble flooring is pristine. There are much worse conditions I could be in. I take a look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are rubbed red and my cheeks are flushed and stained with dried tears. My hair has many flyaways. In simple terms. I am a mess. I look for bruises around my neck, but find none.

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