Chapter 2

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The silence in the room is constricting. I take a deep breath and try to blend in with the crowd. I knew there was a possibility of them both being here. I try to clear my mind. The last thing I need is for them to turn their focus on me.

They both make their way to the front of the room where unbeknownst to me, sat a gaudy looking chair. The Emperor takes a seat with his padawan standing behind him. The lights gradually turned back on. People began to move around a bit and soon enough they were back to their drunken talk and ridiculous dancing.

I surveyed the room looking for Bail or Kinn, anyone who might be considered a rebel sympathizer. I locked eyes with Bail. He didn't look worried. That is somewhat of a comfort. I turn my attention back to the Emperor and his right hand, solely known as Darth Vader.

Not many get a look at him this close. More like none dare to. Most of the time, you only get a glimpse of him on the HoloNet. The news outlets do not do him justice. He is taller and bigger than I expected, though that is probably partly due to the fact that he is encaptured in a heavy metal suit. There are many rumors about him and how he came to be, though none have been proven to be true. The fact that he is hidden beneath a dark mask, cloak, and amour, there isn't much to go off of. I have never given him much thought other than tales of his ruthlessness. Just thinking about him makes my blood boil. His notorious reputation is built on the slaughter of the Jedi and his merciless tack against his enemies. While Sidious is the mastermind behind all the decay and destruction, Darth Vader is the wielder of the destruction. He is the destroyer of cities, the killer of innocence. He murders without a second thought. To not fear him would be a grave mistake.

I fiddle with my dress in nervousness. I begin to take my leave when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a stormtrooper.

"Senator Amidala?" He questions.

I nod.

"His grace wishes an audience with you," he waves his hand towards the direction of the Emperor.

"With me?" I ask.

The stormtrooper nods. I plaster an anxious smile, "Of course." I make my way toward the chair (throne is probably more appropriate). I straighten my back and keep my head held high, trying to boost my confidence. Why would he wish to speak to me? It has been ages since I last spoke with him. Maybe he wishes to check in since it's been so long? I try to rack my brain of what went on within the senate this past week. Could I have said too much? Pushed too much? I try to be careful but sometimes my emotions can get the best of me. Could he have compromising information on me?

As I stand before him, I take a bow.

"Your excellence," I say with reverence. I make sure to keep my eyes down.

"Oh come now senator, no need for such formality. Besides, this is a celebration is it not," his raspy voice sends shivers down my spine. I look up and try to put on a smile.

"It is always a pleasure to celebrate the victories of the Empire."

The Emperor has a strained smile on his face, like he is trying to decipher my intentions.

"I know that this week there is supposed to be a vote on the Securities Act. I trust you know where your loyalties are." It is more a statement rather than a question.

"I can assure you that my interests lie with what is best for its people, even if they may not know what that is."

The Emperor lets out a small chuckle, "A diplomatic answer. I look forward to hearing the results. It has been awhile since we last spoke to one another senator. We mustn't wait so long for the next time."
I grin, "I agree. It is always an honor."

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