Chapter 3 -Taken

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Chapter 3- Taken

Darius woke-up the next Morning, Already prepared for school,
"hmm!. Should I take this book?! "He thought".
"yeah "He said.

Darius went out of his apartment reading the book. he got so deep reading the book to the extence he almost hit a pole, until a man Came to his front with black jacket and and overall with a hood attached to it.
"Hey! watch Where you're going the man said.

"Oh, I'm Sorry," Closed the book with his Index finger at the page where he was reading. The man Saw the two trangles on the book and then gave his attention to Darius.
He knew immediately that he was an Avionite.

Darius walked away. Later that day, as Daraus was walking home From School. the cloud looked dark. Darius had already known that the rain would Fall. Lightnings had already began to Strike.

Darius ran as fast as he could to get to his
house before the rain started... Darius got home drenched
" What a Coozy day"? he said
He Checked his bag for the book but he didn't find it. "Oh Gosh!!,! Shit !!, I forgot the book at School,
"oh..What do I do?!"  he checked his pocket and found the Paper.
Some one knocked the door. Darius went to open the door and Saw a man with black Overall and a hood, but Darcus didn't know it was the man he met on his way to school that same day. -

"Who are you?!" Darius asked."
" please my son "puts off the hood, he appeared to be an Old man head On his with no hair on his head and hairy Grey beards.
"I have no place to live, the Storm's blown down my house, Can I Seek refuge here in your house, just for the night? "the man asked Darius. Darius was about to Send him away but he showed Compassion to the
oid man and allowed him in.

"Take this" Darius, gave him a hot tea---
"Thank's my son's "The man Said".
"I'm Sorry your house got blown of down. "Darius Said Feeling sorry for him

"My house got blown down. I lost my wife Immediately after I gave birth to my Only child."

"So where's the Only Child?" Darius asked. Tears rolled down the old man's eye "I lost him too". The man Continued
"I'm Sorry about that, I also lost my parent When I was Six years old",
I was also the Only Child of my parents.

I really appreciate, my Son!, 'See, you are a good Samaritan! The man Said"

Never mind "Darius Said. Would you like to sleep now?, He asked. "Yes!, yes!!" The old man answered. Darius went to  Sleep at his reading table.

1t was 1:46am when Darius began to
hear Strange sounds, he quickly put on the light, he looked at  bed and saw that the  man wasn't there any more, he took a Step backward and hit the man ..
"Uh?!, How did you do that" Darius exclaimed.
Hmm.. I'm like you kid!, you're an Avionite right?"
"The man Said"

"How do you know that?! "Darius said.
Actually I'm a god from Avion, and I see you're also an Avionite."
"kid! Your'e not supposed to be here?"

Darius had already senses that he was gang to take him to the Avion world.

The man formed a green powered light ball out of his left hand and began to turn it..
He did it until it became bigger and bigger. He did it till the light could Contain the two of them. They both Vanished  From the room.


GENESTIS Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora