Chapter One

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As the Lone Pirate, Y/N had earned a reputation for being fearless, ruthless, and untouchable. Her ship, the "Midnight Serpent", was a sleek and agile vessel, perfect for a solo operator like herself. She had spent years honing her skills, perfecting her swordplay, and learning the art of survival on the high seas.

But despite her tough exterior, Y/N's past still haunted her. The memories of that fateful day still lingered, refusing to be extinguished. The sound of her mother's screams, the smell of gunpowder, and the feel of her father's cold, calculating gaze still lingered in her mind.

As she sailed the Grand Line, Y/N encountered countless crews, each with their own stories and motivations. Some tried to recruit her, others attempted to defeat her, but Y/N remained steadfast in her resolve. She would never trust anyone again. The pain of her mother's death was a constant reminder of the dangers of getting close to people.

Her reputation grew, and so did her bounty. 120 million berries was a staggering amount, but Y/N didn't care. She wasn't in it for the money; she was in it for the thrill of the chase, the rush of adrenaline, and the freedom to do as she pleased.

That was when she met the Straw Hat Pirates, a motley crew of misfits and dreamers. Monkey D. Luffy, the captain, was an anomaly - a pirate with a heart of gold and a stomach that never seemed to be full. Roronoa Zoro, the first mate, was a skilled swordsman with a penchant for getting into trouble. Usopp, the crew's marksman, was a compulsive liar with a talent for getting out of sticky situations. And then there was Sanji, the cook, who seemed to have a permanent crush on every beautiful woman he met. Nami, their navigator and treasure hunter. A smart archeologist, Nico Robin, the brains of the crew and a doctor, Chopper.

Y/N was intrigued by the Straw Hats. They were a far cry from the ruthless pirates she was used to encountering. There was something endearing about their naivety, their sense of camaraderie, and their unwavering optimism.

The first time Y/N met the Straw Hats, she was on a mission to steal a valuable treasure from the World Government's vaults. The Straw Hats, unaware of her true intentions, had stumbled upon the same treasure and were trying to claim it for themselves. The ensuing battle was intense, with swords clashing and guns blazing.

In the end, Y/N emerged victorious, but not without noticing the Straw Hats' peculiar dynamics. They fought with a sense of unity and trust, something she had never experienced before. As she sailed away with the treasure, Y/N couldn't shake off the feeling that she had missed out on something essential. The Straw Hats and Y/N crossed paths several times after that, each encounter more intense than the last. They would clash swords, exchange blows, and then part ways, each side respecting the other's strength and cunning.

One day, the Straw Hats received an invitation to a mysterious island, hidden deep in the Grand Line. The island was said to be cursed, but the promise of untold riches and ancient artifacts was too enticing to resist. Y/N, intrigued by the prospect of uncovering a long-lost secret, decided to follow the Straw Hats, keeping a safe distance to observe and learn.

As they delved deeper into the island's mysteries, Y/N found herself drawn to the Straw Hats' camaraderie. She began to see the world through their eyes - a world where trust, loyalty, and friendship were the greatest treasures of all.

For the first time in years, Y/N felt a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she could learn to trust again. Maybe the Straw Hats could be the key to unlocking the demons of her past.

But as the island's secrets began to unravel, Y/N realized that her presence had not gone unnoticed. Her father, the man who had betrayed and murdered her mother, was on the island, searching for the same treasure.

The Lone Pirate's past was about to collide with her present, and the consequences would be devastating.

That's when the crew met her again. Y/N, known as the Lone Pirate - famous around the grand line. They met a couple times, their fights even more intense than the last. But Luffy knew this situation was different. She was in need of help and he was going to be the one to save her. Even though they were enemies, Luffy couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something wrong. He knew deep within him, he needed to help the girl. The Captain of the Straw Hat knew she was powerful enough to fight back, and yet, there she was, on her knees with her head hung low, accepting her fate.

A burly, menacing figure, stood over her, his sword raised high, ready to strike the final blow. Luffy, without a second thought, launched himself at the man, using his Gum-Gum Fruit powers to bind him with his stretchy arms. "Hey, you're not going to hurt anyone today, pal!" Luffy exclaimed, his determination to protect this broken girl in his voice.

Zoro ran over to the girl as she watched the man fall onto the ground, taking his last breath as she stared at him, tears threatening to escape her eyes."Rest in hell.. you traitorous bitch.," she stammered as the figure of the man laid on the concreate.

The crew turned their full attention to the girl as she began to recount the horrors she had endured at the hands of her father. "He killed my mother," She spoke with a hint of anger. "I was only 15 at the time. He wanted the treasure for himself, and she was the only one who stood in his way."The Straw Hats listened in stunned silence as Y/N revealed the dark secrets of her past.

Sanji, the cook, looked particularly troubled, his eyes flashing with anger at the thought of such cruelty. "That scumbag," he muttered under his breath.

Usopp, the crew's resident marksman, shook his head in disgust. "What kind of monster would kill their own family for treasure?" Y/N's eyes welled up with tears once more as she continued her story. "After that, I somehow managed to run away. Over the years, I've been travelling alone, fighting anyone who got in the way of my freedom. I've been asked by many pirates to join their crew and I said no, every time, in fear that I'd end up dead, just like my mother.. And yet, here I am, following you guys to this island because.. I-I want to have what you guys have.. Trust-worthy friends... A family" She sobbed.

"You followed us?" Robin asked her, receiving a nod in response.

"Well it's settled. You're apart of our crew now, Y/N." Luffy gave Y/N a big smile as she looked up at him, tears streaming down her face as the rest of the crew stood beside him with genuine smiles on their faces.

As the Straw Hats sailed away from the island, Y/N finally felt a sense of freedom she had not known in years. She was determined to start anew, free from the shackles of her father's cruelty. She sailed away, leaving her boat behind, along with her crushing past, onto a new adventure with friends. And with the Straw Hats by her side, she knew she would never be alone again.

In the days that followed, Y/N opened up to the Straw Hats, sharing stories of her mother and the happy memories she had of her childhood. The crew, in turn, welcomed her into their fold, offering her a sense of belonging and protection she had never known before.

As they sailed through the Grand Line, the Straw Hats and Y/N forged an unbreakable bond, one that would last a lifetime. And though the scars of her past would always remain, Y/N knew she was no longer alone, and that with the Straw Hats by her side, she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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