[gojo + geto] misunderstanding (OS)

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Plot: in midnight. your friend/bestfriend begged you to visit her. But when you decided to go. Cuz why not? Your boyfriends are out again and you are all alone.. but when you opened the door to go.. guess who came back?
(f/f)= favourite film

Your POV:
I was on my bed watching anime. When my phone rang for the 5th time. I checked who was calling me and wow that was surprising. It was my friend/bestfriend, rayan. How suprising. She was the one who called me the past three times, and one call from geto was checking up on me. I sighed as i answered the call.

You:"what's your problem?!"
Rayan:"aw can't you just come over here?"
-"i told you i can't! Satoru and getou aren't home and they said i can't go out! I even tried to call them but they didn't answer unless that call!"
-"but can't you think of your poor bestie is all alone and scared?! And uh right! I finally found the 4th season of (f/f)!"
-".. ."
-"So.....? What do you say?"

-"actually, you have a point i'm gonna try to call them again"
-"ah! Don't forget to bring the mochi with you"
-"y'know they are satoru's.. you don't want to know what happened when i took them the last time.."
-"yes i do want to know but you don't want to tell me!"
-"believe me..you don't.."
-"so, bye!"
I Looked for satoru or getou's number. And i found getou's number.
It's the 7th call and he didn't answer. I even tried to call satoru he didn't answer as well.
'There's no way i can miss this!'

I sighed. also decided. I'm going. Even if it's the last thing i'll do.and the thing that will make me in wheelchair-
So i went to my closet looking for something to wear.

and the thing that will make me in wheelchair- So i went to my closet looking for something to wear

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^you can change it!^

I took also picked a small bag that have a necessary things like my phone, Headphone and some snacks. When i'm finally ready i headed to the door. When my phone rang i looked at who it was. It was rayan

You:"uh rayan what's wrong now?!"
Rayan:"are you coming? What happened?"
-"i didn't tell them. And yes i'm coming."
I opened the door to see satoru and getou. They didn't seem to have any deep wounds, just some cuts and their clothes were slightly torn. They had that unreadable expression. I stayed silent and shocked and they didn't say any word. They kept looking at me
'God.. that's not good anymore!' i thoght as i started to panic. Their facial expressions started to turn to annoyance when satorou started "Where the hell do you think you are going?"
-"who were you calling?" Getou asked.
"U-um..my friend" i said "you were gonna go out? Did you even check on the time?" Satoru said looks like started to get angry. "Listen, i-"."no one is out at night! Especially when it's almost midnight!" Satorou's voice started to rise when he grabbed my shoulders tightly as well. I felt another pair of hands are placed on my waist from behind and i heard getou whisper in my ear "y'know who are the people who go out at night?... People who go to bars ..or maybe nightclubs?" Getou whispered in my ear. "I-i.." i said when tears started to drop on my cheek "i-i was all alone all this time-! And i couldn't saty on my own-! And she is not a bad person! I really was scared for not telling you-!.. but.. i also was scared of being alone.." i cried. Satorou listened to me to me when he started to get shocked "she...?" He said shocked. "Yes. She is a Female. But you don't listen to me. I was going to her because she is also alone. she has the same stuation that her boyfriend is not home" (why did i thought of nanmi?). Satoru looked at me for a while then sighed and hugged me. His head on my left shoulder and suguru's is on my right one. "I.. i'm sorry. But seeing you is going out at night without telling us and calling someone will defintely make me adoubt" he said tightening the hug "just check on your phone and tell me how many times i called the both of you" i said sounded annoyed "I'm so sorry" getou said "can you guys get off this is so tight and you really need take a shower" i said covering my nose"wanna join us~?" Satorou teased "haha no thank you besides i have showered already" i said as satorou kissed my forehe as getou kissed the back of my neck. "So are you guys gonna allow me to go visit her?" I said excited. "Of coure no, baby" getou said as he nuzzled his face against my neck. Ah how disapointment..
I was lying on the bed, after calling reyan and telling her that i can't come. And changing to my pj. When getou came after showering. now it's satorou's turn to shower. Getou came to the bed and hugged me from the side nuzziling his face to my neck and took a deep breath in and out. "Tired?" I asked him. "...a bit".
-"hey.. i'm sorry about earlier it was my fault as well" i said after feeling guilty "No babe. It's fine. It's our fault for letting you alone for so long." He said as i smiled at him."I'm done!" I heard a voice i turned to see satorou. I'm graefull he's dressed this time. He jumped on the bed and snuggled onto me/my neck. "Hey satorou..i have apologized to getou so i owe you an apology-"." Don't you dare to apologize. It's our fault" i smiled one more time and kissed his cheek. Then i felt something touching my jaw then pulled my face to geto then he kissed my lips. Then he looked at me and smiled "I love you" he said. i smiled too "I love you too" i said "i feel like i'm forgotten here" satorou from the other side said. I sighed "I love you, satoru" he smiled so widely "i love you, too!" It took us some time to fall asleep.
Thank you for reading♡!

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