Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"What? This?" He took arm and place kisses everywhere. His muscular arm wrapped around my waist as I struggle to get out. I didn't even try.

His face lean toward my neck as his soft lip touch the side of my neck slowly make its way to my face. I moan softly as I blink. My face was in shock as I spot Princess Abigail with a blank expression, leaning against the doorway.

Using all the force I can, I push him back. The princess quickly left as the Prince look at me perplex.

"Geez, Anamaria! Are you trying to kill me?" I shook my head. "Why are making that face?" He asked, referring to my face that I couldn't see.

He extended his arm for me to help him get up but I didn't. "Aren't you going to help me?" He asked, shaking his hand. I shook my head and continued to stare at him in shock.

"I thought you couldn't walk," I said.

He hesitated as his eyes bore into mine. He got up own his own as I step away from him.  I cross my arms.

Once a liar, always a liar.

"You didn't finish feeding me yet," he continued.

"Aren't you full?" I asked.

"Never," he said with a smile.

I didn't smile back. The thought of not being with him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, pulling me closer.

I fake a smile, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

"No," he said pulling me even closer.

"Your highness," I push him back. "I don't think the princess would like that."

Prince Garret frown, "my name is Garrett. We're back to your highness now?"

I snicker, "fine, Garrett."

He smile, as I turn to leave the room.

"So this is it?" He asked.

I looked at him confused, "what do you mean?"

"This is it between us?"

"I don't understand what you mean, excuse me, I have to go pack up." I said and I painfully leave the prince's room.

Nora walk up to me, "my lady, the queen requested to see you."

I nodded as I followed Nora to the library. The queen was sitting in a comfortable navy blue chair reading a book. She put the book as soon as her eyes captured me.

"Anamaria, take a seat." The queen gave me a friendly smile.

I gave her back a friendly smile as I took a seat next to her.

"How is he doing?" The queen asked. I smiled at the thought of the Prince.

"He's doing better," I said. "He's getting stronger and more energetic."

The queen grabbed my hand, "I see." She said. "You did a really good job," she compliment.

My smile slowly faded and I shook my head, "I don't think I'm the one to take credit for it." I said. The queen glare at me, perplex. "Princess Abigail deserved the credit." The queen fake a smile, "I'm glad to hear that. She's such a good fiancé."

My heart has been stabbed, I fake a smile, "she is. She's also lovely, I'm glad you pick the right women for him."

The queen laugh, I was perplex about the subject she was laughing about.
She wipe the tears from her eyes, "oh Anamaria. I didn't pick his fiancé." She gave me a nervous smile. "My husband did, to be a little honest with you, I don't like her really much."

I closed my mouth before multiple question released from my mouth. The queen is probably irritated by me.

"If there's anything you want to say go ahead, dear." The queen kindly smile at me.

"Why don't you like her?" I asked.

The queen grin, "it's not that I don't like's just that I prefer my step son with someone else. Garett is the crown to Ravernica after all, he deserved a smart queen to stay by his side. I just wanted him to find that perfect girl." She smile at her own thought.


I studied her before blurting my mouth, "and who is the perfect girl you're talking about?" I asked curiously.

The queen blue eyes sent sensation over me. "You, my dear."


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