Met gala (Part 1)

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Ship: Minsung
Genre: Fluff

3rd Person

Seungmin spoiled the met gala in his live and chan tried to distract stays on bubble so that this spoiler wouldn't be spread. But as we know STAY, it was already announced everywhere. Chan called Seungmin after his live.

"Seungmin, you really can't keep anything to you, right?" Chan asked annoyed on the phone.

"Yea Yea i am sorry, it doesn't matter now, they would have found out anyway, why all the stress. You're getting older if you stress yourself out so much," Seungmin replied on the phone and hung up.

"Ah, this brat really hung up right now." Chan said annoyed and put his phone away.

Han heard everything and made fun of Chan. He wanted to spread the news of their dorm to the others again that's why he called Minho.

Minho's POV

phone ringing

"Minho hyung, jisung is calling," Felix called.

I smiled out of joy, of course, I can talk to the little quokka again. Because of our schedule we don't have time to meet up so often. I missed his voice so much.

I took my cell phone and answered it in my room.

"Why are you running like that?" Felix shouted at me but I ignored him.

"Jagiya, do you know what happened?" Han asked me.

"No, what happened?"

"Seungmin spoiled something again"

"Don't tell me he spoiled our comeback?" I asked, shocked and annoyed.

"No, he spoiled that we were going to the Met Gala, then Chan yelled at him and Seungmin just said "it doesn't matter" and hung up without saying goodbye to him." Hannie started to tell the story, laughing.

"Oh man, Chan is probably really angry."

"No, he's laughing his ass off right now, but of course he'll pretend to be angry in front of him again."

"Well, I'll show Seungmin the power of a hyung. Wait till he is home," I said while I laughed my head off.

We talked a bit more until Hannie hung up.

3rd person

A few days later, in a hotel in New York

"Hannie and I are going to stay in a roo-" Minho said when he was interrupted by Chan.

"Hannie and I will be in a room together, so we can work on Seungmins track a bit."

"Okay, Chan hyung, which room?" Han asked.

"Room 325"

"Okay, I'll just get my things quickly," Han said and left.

"What were you just about to say, Minho?" asked Chan.

"N-nothing... I just wanted to ask if room 324 is still free so I can go in there."

"Yes, I already asked, all rooms from 323-326 have been reserved for us. Hannie and I have room 325, so you have to take the others. But you have to play rock paper scissors because there is a room there that has a giant bathtub. Everyone wants room 324."

Minho nodded and went to the others.

They played rock paper scissors and the room with the giant bathtub, room 324, now belongs to Minho and Jeongin. Hyunjin and Felix shared room 326 and Seungmin and Changbin shared room 323.

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