Chapter 5

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"See? Wasn't that easier than you thought?" Kiyoshi asked her and Akari nodded. After a couple days, Akari finally messaged Kiyoshi. She didn't message him because Mao told her to, but because she really, desperately needed help with studying. They agreed to meet at the school library after school.

Seeing Kiyoshi did make Akari's heart flutter.

"Thank you. I really appreciate your help" She scribbled quickly. "Do you think you could help me study again soon?" She asked him. Kiyoshi agreed immediately.

"Of course I can! How about we meet here next Monday and Thursday?" He offered. "I'm not very busy those days." Akari bit her lip and was grateful for his help.

"You are already so busy. I am sorry for making you help me." She apologized, but Kiyoshi gave her a reassuring shake of the head.

"You aren't making me help you...I want to help you." He emphasized and Akari flushed again. She could only give him a small nod. Kiyoshi helped Akari collect her things so they could return home. As they stood from the table, Kiyoshi took her bag from her and threw it over his shoulder.

"Let me walk you home." He offered. Akari shook her head and frantically waved her hands. "At least let me walk you to the train station." He insisted and Akari had no choice but to allow him to do so. Kiyoshi really was a gentleman.

It was a bit awkward as they walked to the train station because Kiyoshi struggled to find something to talk about. She wanted to converse with him but typing on her phone while walking in the dark was difficult.

"I never asked you if you liked living in the city." Kiyoshi soon brought up and Akari just smiled, giving him an 'okay' sign with her fingers. Kiyoshi scratched the back of his neck and laughed. "I'm sorry. I am trying to think of things to talk about." He admitted. "I am not very good with girls."

Akari found that hard to believe. Upon seeing Akari's expression, Kiyoshi laughed.

"I can guess what you're thinking, but I just try to be kind to people." He said. Akari bit the inside of her cheek. 'Well, there is that and the fact that you're handsome.' She thought secretly to herself. Akari's thoughts drifted off and Kuro came to mind.

If there was anyone who deserved to be called 'prince', it was Kiyoshi. He was handsome, kind, and friendly. Exactly the kind of prince one read about in fairy tales. Kuro was handsome, very handsome, but he was neither kind nor friendly. Akari almost shook her head in disbelief and felt a wave of annoyance flood over her. He complained to her that she caused him trouble but he wasn't exactly a nice cup of tea either. Akari nearly exploded into a rampage but was interrupted when Kiyoshi asked her another question.

"Do you like cats, Akari?" He asked and Akari nodded, excitedly. She noticed they were almost at the train station. "I have a cat named 'Tofu'." He said. Akari smiled and pointed to herself. 'Me too!' She mouthed. Now that they had stopped in front of the train station, Akari was able to type in her phone again.

"I named my cat 'Cat'." Kiyoshi lifted an eyebrow and chuckled at the strange name. His handsome smile caused another blush to appear on her cheeks. Kiyoshi looked over his shoulder at the busy train station and then back to her.

"You should get going. Be careful getting home and I'll see you again on Monday." He waved goodbye and Akari stood at the entrance and watched him leave. Her heart fluttered as she observed his retreating figure. Maybe she really was beginning to like him.

"It's pointless."

A voice violently kicked Akari out of her sweet thoughts and she spun around, already aware of whom the voice belonged to.

Silently in LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon