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         I got out of the car as I pulled into the driveway of Jake & Johnnie's house. I gave Johnnie a small warning text before walking to the front door. 'I'm here'  I sent it before walking to the front door. I tapped on the door of the front door, it creaked open and as I looked in Jake had his hand on the door and the other itching his stomach under his shirt. "Oh hey y/n, give me one second I'll go get Johnnie for you." He turned his head and belted out, "BOO BEAAAARRRR". I held back a giggle as I heard Johnnie yell back, "WHAT PUMPKIN?" Jake rolled his eyes joking and scoffed, "COME HERE." Johnnie came running in a few moment later, "Wh-" His eyes widened a bit as he saw me and his cheeks got red. "One second.." He pulled Jake away from the door and whisper shouted, "That was embarrassing ! Why didn't you tell me y/n was here already??" I couldn't hear what Jake said but when they came back to the door Johnnie looked even more embarrassed than he had a moment ago. I couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Hey.." He waved awkwardly, "Sorry about that uh-" Our eyes met then he gave me an up and down glance. "Wow, you look really pretty. I feel like I'm too dressed down." He smiled and chuckled softly. "Nah I think you look super pretty too" I teased a bit chucking a bit as well.

       We sat and talked for a moments before I asked, "Ready to go?" He gave me a nod. "Let's go." We both smiled then got in my car (Johnnie is the passenger princess since he can't drive😍) 

      A little while later we got to the movies, I bought a monster and some candies and Johnnie got the same. We both shared a bucket of popcorn.

      We walked up the steps in the movie room til we found our seats, G5 and G6. We sat down, placing our drinks in the cup holders. "We got here a bit early, it's all ads for the next few minutes." Johnnie said quietly, glancing over at me. For some reason when his voice was all low and raspy like that..  I felt my heart pound. I looked back at him, "Yeah, I guess so" I felt my cheeks were probably a bit pink. We both sat in a bit of an awkward silence for a moment til I felt a small piece of popcorn lightly hit the side of my head. I looked over and Johnnie who was looking away, acting oblivious. I threw a piece back at him with a slight giggle.

      "Heyy what was that for?" He joked. "Don't act like you didn't just do the same thing to me" I giggled.

     "I have no idea what you're talking about, you're crazy lady!" He teased playfully, obviously holding back a laugh. I threw another piece of the popcorn at him and it hit right between his eyes. 

     "Ow, so mean" He joked, rubbing his nose. "Do I need to constrain you hands so you'll stop assaulting me?" 

     "You'll never stop me" I joked, throwing another piece at him. He quickly opened his mouth and caught it. He chewed it up and looked at me with a grin before grabbing both my hands and holding them in his hand on top of my thigh. I felt my face get a bit redder, "If you wanted to hold my hand you could've just said that" I teased, rolling my eyes playfully. "Oh really? Okay then, can I hold your hand?" He responded with a slight smirk. I smiled at him, "Well I mean technically you already are, hm?" He laughed then let go of my other hands, now only holding one of my hands. He rested our hands on my thigh again and smiled "There, satisfied?" He teased. I nodded, "Yep" I smiled. 

    "Jeez, how many ads are there before the actual movie starts" I groaned quietly. He picked up his phone for a moment, checking the time. "There's ads for at least 7 more minutes" He said glancing back over at me. I rested my head on his shoulder, "That's like- forever" I complained dramatically. "Good, that means we'll be here together forever" He said, resting his head on mine. I felt my face get even redder once again. "True" I said quietly, unable to keep myself from smiling now. "I guess that is good then, since I'm with you." 

   Damn, that was cheesy.. Should I have just kept my mouth shut? I thought to myself, fidgeting with my sleeve. Johnnie started to rub the hand he was holding with his thumb soothingly, I guess he'd noticed my fidgeting. (a/n stop I'm so lonely, I wish 😭) I smiled a bit and leaned against him a bit more. A little while later the movie finally started. 

   I let go of his hand to hold the popcorn bucket and take out a few pieces to eat. Johnnie placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing my leg slightly with his thumb as he watched the movie.

    About 2 or so hours later the movie is over, I'd fallen asleep leaned against Johnnie shoulder and he had nudged me awake. "Y/n" He whispered, my eye drifted open and I turned to look at him, rubbing my eye a bit. I yawned, "Is it over?" He nodded. "Awh, I missed the end." "You didn't miss much, the movie was kinda boring." He said with a slight shrug. "Wanna get something to eat now?" He asked, holding my hand again. I gave a small nod "Sure"



(1025 words) Sorry for the short chapter again, I plan on getting back on track with the story line before continuing off 'Aide.' but I'm gonna try to start getting more chapters out soon. I can't make promises tho- I'm lazy tbh 😭 I have more testing this week then in like 3-3-ish weeks I'll have more free time to post chapters but until then I might be a little slow. Xoxo thanks for reading <3

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