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☁️ pov:

We just came from the university. Ahh.. it was a tiring day. When we came home Ppai and Ppayu ware not there. Rain made his wat directly to kitchen and started making lunch for us. We had lunch and after finishing our homework and working bit on project we lazed around leaving area and watched movie.

Rain seems bit different today, I can see he was not himself, but I didn't said much he will come around by himself when he wants to. He dozed off halfway through movie on my lap, so I just paused it and started playing with hair softly not to wake him up.

After a hour Ppai walked in with smile on his face as he watched us seating. He came and gently kissed our foreheads and sat beside.

💨: How was your day? Have you had lunch? When did he slept?

☁️: It was okay I guess. Yeah Rain made. It's beed hour, we were watching one piece and he dozed off. How was your day? Have you had your lunch?

💨: Oh, he must be tired. It was good. Yeah I had with client. Have you both finished your work for today?

☁️: Yeah we both finished after lunch. He was not his usual bubbly self today. When is Ppayu coming?

💨: (Pai frowned after hearing that) Why what happened? Yu said he will come before dinner.

☁️: (Just shrugged in response) Okay.

No one's Pov:

Pai bought blancket for rain and dropped it on him. Then he and sky both just sat and talked silently as not to disturb rain. In the late evening when Payu came he saw all of his babies in the leaving area. Rain and Sky sleeping and Pai working on his laptop. It was all domestic.

🌪 Pov:

Rain and sky were looking so cute. The moment Pai saw me he smiled and put his finger on his lips as in saying not to speak. I silently went and kissed his forehead and decided to not disturb my other two babies they must be tired.

After getting freshenup I went down and asked Pai if he is interested to join me to make dinner.

💨: How was your day? Have you had lunch?

🌪: It was good. Yours? Yeah I had. How about you, And them?

💨: It was good. Yeah we all had.

As we were talking and making dinner we saw sky is waking up. But we frowned when we saw worries on his face.

☁️ pov:

As I woke up I saw I just dozed off in same position I was seating earlier with Rains head on my lap, and blanket draped around us I guess Ppai draped it. I started caressing Rains hair softly but frowned as I felt him warmer then usual.

☁️: P!! He is feeling warmer then usual. I think he is having fever.

As I shouted, both Ppayu and Ppai came running toward us, and Ppayu checked rain.

🌪: He is having slight fever nothing to worry baby, he will take some medicine and will be fine don't worry. Rain baby wake up it's almost dinner time and you are running fever you need to have some meds and food after that you can sleep again okay..

Rain whined and hid his face in my stomach We all had soft smile on his cute act.

🌧: P let me sleep naaaa.. 2 more min please.

And we all laughed. I thought such a baby... Ppai gently picked him up and make him sit on his lap as Ppayu went and got thermometer and meds for him as I bought juice.

☁️: Baby have some meds with juice first and let's have dinner then you can go for sleep.

I made him have his meds while he kept his head on Ppai's chest while he was caressing his back softly, and Ppayu checked his temperature.

🌧: I am sorry for troubling you guys..

The moment those words left his mouth I wanted to smack his head, thank god he is my baby or else...



Hii.. it's my first time writing something so guide me through this and let me know if you have any suggestions.

Words: 712.

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