Hello World. zero year old me

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That the steve jobs want to say first when we start our computer. But thats not my first word i said when i born to this life. 

My "Hello World" world me is cry and everyone around me is smiling or congratulation to our parrent. New member in family yeay! he look cute

The funny things the pure moment in our life is when we are baby. And at that time i have zero control of my self.  how can cry and poop can be pure. funny right.

in fact i was born Cesarean section. so might u want think more about it are im still innocent when baby. cos i hurt first people when first time say "hello world"

In life. 

We cant chose where we are born, how we are born, who are parrent, how we are raise,what religion or county or chose your own name. That all out of our control. I have some simple task u have to do when read this. and if u dont this become more pointless..

Task 1: Please grab some paper/notes and a pen. Just Draw a big circle in the middle. Write "ur name/nickname system"  with bold inside the circle right inside the center. You are the center of ur own atom. note: the more bigger paper will be more recomended. if  u have huge whitebord/wall or digitaly ways better.

Task 2: Write in another paper 5-10 people name wich is matter to your life right now. it can be family,bestfriends, friends, partner, people u might know, stranger, people u admire, u big fans or inspire you. write with it with number. Number 1 is the most matter and bigger number become more less. 

u can write ur list on this comment section if want to share here.

How many of you write  your 1st name is your own name?

still on task 2, put the name list outside the circle. with rules the bigger the number, the more  further name from your system and cover their name with small circle. 

u can start fill it with 0 year old me /hello world outside the circle. plus ur minus old you outside the circle. its mean ur parrent backgrounds, all world history is non of your control too. We dont need history class when we cant read yet.

all i want share it make your system visible. specialy in your action do on paper. 

1.Stoicism or u can call it dichotomy of control. ancient Greco-Roman philosophy that can help us overcome negative emotions and produce mental resilience in facing the ups and downs of life.

2. Putting your name first is the first step. Haemin sunin told me, from a book "When you care for yourself first, world will also find you worthy of care." 

Thats way your name is the first. remember on task 1. "your name/nickname" system.

"control what we can control" write it inside the edge of the cirlce and "Things we have to accept or cant control" outside the edge of the circle. Circle i mean is your system.

book recomended: filosofi teras, the things we can see when we slow down.

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