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A week later, kota was actually out partying when a villain actually ended up attacking the party and taking basically everyone there hostage. Kota and whoever else was known to have some hero and combat training were actually tied up. "Do something!" Kota's girlfriend growls and kota gives her a look. He was literally tied and gagged, hell he could barely breathe without hurting himself from how tight the restraints were.

Everyone there sobered up hella fast, they were all so scared without even knowing if help was on its way. Of course Miyu happened to be at the party, and she actually managed to push an alert button before getting tied up. Meaning a distress call was sent to eri and all the heroes nearby. "That everyone?" The leader asks, "yep, this should definitely be enough to make a nomu army" one of the villains say, "great...round them up before the heroes notice" the leader says when eri just suddenly appeared. "Before we notice what darlin?" Everyone instantly points a gun at her and she smiles. "Cute~" she says as they all suddenly cough up blood and fell down. "but utterly pointless, now then! How about we talk! I'd love to be friends after all! But if course in order for that to happen we must discuss a few things first!" Eri says in a really calm tone that made her seem completely friendly and just easy to approach. "Tch, you can start by minding your own business. Bitch" "now now, that's not a nice thing to say to a new friend!" Eri sighs and the leader laughed and points a gun to eri's head. "Get on you fucking knees." He says and eri sighs "aw...pity...I guess we aren't gonna be friends then....oh well" she says and before the guy knew it eri completely broke his arm making him drop his weapon. "To be honest I would've much rather see you behind bars anyway....and had it not been for hero code?" She says as Satsuki, katsuma, bakugou, and mic all appeared. "I think we all would gladly put you six feet under." Eri admitted as she loses focus on the others and they recovered in seconds. "You got lead star. Don't fuck it up" bakugou says as he and mic help deal with the other villains. While Katsu and Satsuki both went to free the hostages. They freed the heros and those in training first and actually had them aid with evacuation.

Eri actually took down the leader quickly and was helping with evacuation when suddenly eri hears something and when she turned around she just saw satsuki get shot in the head. "SUKI!" Eri screams, for a moment she completely lost her composure as she ran over and held satsuki's lifeless body. " no no no... FUCK!" eri says hugging her body and just broke down sobbing. Satsuki had been there by her side when Kota left her for his new friends. She was her whole world and meant more to eri than anything, so when she died it just broke eri in the worst way possible. "No...please..." Eri begs, she was already struggling with severe PTSD, depression, and anxiety, the only reason she hadn't broke and starting harming herself in more ways than one. Of course when eri heard everyone calling for her and begging for help eri had to just pull it together. She was forced to be a hero and didn't even get time to actually say goodbye or grieve the loss of her friend. "BRING THEM TO THE BRINK OF DEATH IF YOU MUST! PROTECT EVERYONE OF THE HOSTAGES. DON'T WORRY ABOUT QUIRK OVER USAGES" eri calls out and just like that the situation was delt with easily. Eri never once broke, she just tends to the injured and even took care of satsuki's body and covered it. "" Kota starts, "leave it." Eri says coldly and leaves to tend to others and Kota was worried and sighs.

After everything, Kota assumed eri would finally break down and take a minute. Yet, the moment everything was done eri was surrounded by media and had to put on a smile to reassure everyone. Katsu did get attention off eri so Kota could pull her away. Of course when she was away from everything, she fell down and Kota had to catch her. She was having a full breakdown and just couldn't walk from how upset she was. Kota sat down and just held her as she just sobbing and clug to him. She ended up crying so hard she actually started puking. Kota ended up being her to his place, he set her on the bed and just held her the whole night. She actually got so bad he had to admit her into a mental hospital just a few days later. He actually decided to go to rehab too, just so eri wasn't going to be alone in this place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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