new guy

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Ever since then eri just focused more on her training to keep her mind off Kota. "Hey um...I'm katsuma..." A male says approaching eri, she wanted to snap but froze and blushes as she sees the male. "'m eri" she says Bowing. "Nice to meet you, I was wondering if we could train together?" He asks. It was very obvious eri liked this guy which only made what kota did more confusing "she's actually my sparing partner" he says and Eri flinches, she almost forgot...while he was neglectful while they were technically dating, he's always been extremely protective over her. "It's just training. Besides you weren't even sparing with me." Eri says annoyed "I am now, so beat it pal" eri sighs "I guess after this we can grab lunch together okay?" Eri says and katsu nods and leaves to watch.

Kota glares at eri but before he could say anything she actually goes to kick him in the head. Kota of course saw an opening and took eri down in seconds. "HWNEKENEWNEKEN" eri yelps as she just dies. "You leave yourself open still, thought I told ya to fix that" he says "release me" eri says in a timid tone and kota sighs letting her up. "again. We're gonna keep going till you get me on the ground yea?" He says and Eri gets up shaking off that last attack. Hours later eri was on the ground again just covered in bruises and kota was unharmed. "Ugh...I'm hungry....can we take a lunch break?" She asks "yeah" kota says before remembering eri was gonna go eat with Katsu and before he knew it Eri grabbed the male and ran. While she wasn't stronger than Kota, she was way faster so she was gone in seconds. "Oh Imma fucking kill him" kota growls, "wow for a terrible boyfriend you sure seem a little bit too protective of her." Satsuki says. "I GENUINELY DIDN'T KNOW SHE THOUGHT WE WERE DATING! WHEN SHE ASKED THAT I FLAT OUT THOUGHT SHE WAS JOKING" he says and sighs "if I knew she thought we were ACTUALLY a thing I would've cleared that up sooner! I never meant to lead her on....but I literally didn't do or say anything that would even be remotely boyfriend like!" He says and Satsuki rolls her eyes "congratulations she genuinely thinks you're a bad boyfriend" she says and kota rolls his eyes.

"Do you know him?" Katsu asks and Eri nods, "since childhood....we um...used to be really close but then some jackasses came and fucked him he's an asshole..." Eri says and sighs "but that was when we were 10...been like this ever since...I honestly miss the days when he actually cared about me....sure he still protects me but there's absolutely no love or room for me in his life now....I'm just more of a burden that he has to keep around..." Eri says and katsu nods and thinks, "well....I know we just met but you seem really amazing...I wouldn't mind being friends" Eri smiles. Her and katsu actually had a really good time and of course Kota eventually found them and when he did he sat next to eri just making sure Katsu didn't do anything funny. Every now and then Eri have kota some of the food she didn't like, kota was just used to that and luckily everything Eri seemed to hate he actually liked so it worked out. "Sweet girl why are you-" "her last names aizawa." He says and katsu blinks "oh? But you call her eri" he says and Kota glares, "cuz we grew up together. Besides in front of camera I call her eri- Chan, just like she calls me Kota-kun" he says and katsu looks at eri "oh then can I call you eri- Chan to?" He asks unaware that was really inappropriate and Eri froze unsure of what to say. "Piss off." Kota growls and eri clears her throat "please just call me aizawa... apologies, it's just that we barely met while I've known Kota-kun since we were 5 years old..." Eri says trying to keep a somewhat kind appearance. "Nah fuck that. Leave." Kota growls and eri gives him annoyed look "come now I'm sure he didn't know! Cut him some slack" eri says taking a deep breath.

After lunch eri and kota did go back to training. "Stop leaving yourself open!" Kota growls and eri whines as he held her on the ground. "At this rate you'll get killed before you know it" he says helping her up, "stop relaying on speed. Here let's go slow Kay?" He says and eri growls but nods. Of course going slow helped kota show eri when she left herself open and she was able to adjust and soon she was able to attack without leaving any openings. Soon enough Eri actually got Kota on the ground but she was so exhausted afterwards. "Heh, we're going to have to work on you moving without wasting energy" he says as Eri gets up and grabs some water, "think you have enough energy to spar with me little aizawa?" Katsu asks and kota growls but eri nods. Katsu was actually just like eri in terms of having to rely more on speed rather than strength. Meaning both of them were actually struggling, eventually katsu grabbed eri's hair and threw her down and eri coughs up blood. "Fuck..." Eri rubs her head as she spits out blood. "Cheater" eri hisses and Katsu looks away awkwardly, "I battle we'd used everything and anything to gain an what's the difference here?" He says and eri shakes her head. "He has a point, make sure you put your hair up during missions from now on Kay?" Kota says helping eri heal as he presses on her injuries getting her quirk to focus on certain areas. "There, now it's getting late head back to the dorms Kay? I'll stop by tomorrow to help ya train" he says "you don't stay here?" Katsu asks "nope...I actually have a place off ua grounds. Plus being a hero is stupid cuz apparently they don't like letting people have fun and party" "you make it sound like you're not a student here baka" Eri says "like he needs to know that" Kota hisses glaring at Katsu. "Kota is a student here... desperate them not liking it they let him get away with it since asshole or not he does keep me in check" kota whacks eri upside the head "ack" she pouts and kota glares at her "drunkie" "people pleaser" "ass" "idiot" the two say, Katsu actually thought they were fighting. "Leave her alone drunkie" he says and instantly went from playful to pissed. "The fuck you call me?" He growls. Eri blinks and sighs "it's fine we're just messing around me if he wanted to ACTUALLY insult me he could and vise versa....I only call him drunkie cuz one time he-" eri starts and he covers her mouth. Then just drags eri away, "release me •^•" eri says spooked "release me!" She squirms and squeaks when koya tosses her over his shoulder. "I'm being kidnapped! Halp!" She squirms until Kota tosses her onto his bed, after all he did technically have a dorm room...he just never used it. "I don't want you talking to him anymore. Got it?" He growls and Eri nods, sure she rarely listens to him ever since that night he brushed her off when she tried telling him something. She just learned to pretend to agree and do it behind his back since he was way stronger than eri ever will be.

Of course when he left that night eri picks the lock. "Hack the camera" she says and Miyu smiles and uses her quirk to fuck with the camera in Kota's room making it go out. "Takes him like 2 ish hours?" She says "eh, gives me plenty of time to go somewhere else" she says handing Miyu her phone. "God you owe me" Miyu sighs "I'll get you more carts" she says and Miyu smiles " what you wanna try some?" She asks, "nah" she says and smiles "cover for me" she says and Miyu laughs "says the one whose known for sneaking out" "what can I say? I hate being forced to stay in one place" she says and of course Kota showed up to check on eri 3 hours later.

Meanwhile, eri was just at the casino playing some poker. She absolutely loved gambling, it was a huge rush to her and of course Miyu got her addicted to it. "mmm...all in" eri smiles, so far she's won hand after's always been like that since she just seemed to have a natural talent with gambling. She played about 10 games and actually won $5,000, she was starting to get tired and bored. When she left she yawns and when she realized the store she was going to ID's people for vapes, carts, and all that stuff she groans and looks around. "Um excuse me sir...I was really hoping to get some new carts for my vape but I'm afraid I left my ID at home...can you possibly get me one?" She asks using the fact that she developed really curvy which just made it so she was constantly sexualized..  but hey if it means she can get whatever she wants so she can pay Miyu back she didn't care. "It's alright I got your ID. But I don't think it's wise to get anything. Princess." A familiar voice says and eri froze in fear. "Thanks for keeping an eye on her for me" Kota says and drags eri off not even saying a word the whole way. Miyu was in the office dealing with aizawa and mic while Kota tosses eri into his room. "talk." He says and eri was hesitant and sighs "I just went to gamble. But Miyu needed new carts so in exchange for covering for me I agreed to get those for her. It's not the first time I've done this. So just butt out okay?!" Eri says and freezes when she saw the look kota was Giving her.

After a 5 hour long lecture eri sighs. "okay okay! I won't do that anymore and if I have to take you with me so I can gamble I will just please stopppp" eri whines as she hates getting lectured...that's how she was raised, not once was she hit or sent to time out...she just had to sit and get lectured for hours on end, which did make her wish they'd just hit her and be done with it. In the end she actually learned to not do things from getting lectured since she hated it so much. "You're not gonna gamble anymore!" He growls "that's like telling you not to drink anymore" eri sighs and her and kota fought for awhile before agreeing eri was allowed to gamble twice a week as long as Kota came with her.

Eri sighs relieved that the lecture was over and just lays there defeated. "Miyu never made you've never vaped before have you?" Kota asks. "If I'm really stressed then yea I'll take a few hits...but that's it, I mostly take about 4 or 3 hits during missions to calm my nerves or once before a major test..." Eri admitted and before Kota could say anything "yes yes I know vaping bad, but you're the last person who gets a say on that" eri says and kota growls at that comment knowing she was right.

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