Chapter 37 Farewell

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As they head to the Hospital

Lisabel rushes in and finds Matsuri on the hospital bed.

Lisabel: Matsuri!

Matsuri: Oh, Lisabel, you're here.

Lisabel: Are you okay?

Matsuri: I'm okay, just tired.

Lisabel: Don't be too hard on yourself.

Matsuri: Well, someone brought me here.

Lisabel: Huh, who?

As they saw someone, it was Anasta.

Anasta was drinking coffee.

Anasta: I saw her collapse in the dressing room.

Matsuri: ...

Suddenly, Matsuri suffered a headache.

Anasta: It seems it's back.

Lisabel: Matsuri, what's going on?

Anasta: I sense that someone is controlling Matsuri's mind, like a puppet.

Aruto: ...

The doctors came in, and Matsuri was given treatment.

Matsuri's headaches are gone.

Zhask: What's going on, Doc?

Doctor: I believe she has a brain tumor. She might die within 30 days.

Zhask: No way.

Doctor: We are doing our best to find any research that might help her.

Aruto: ...

Lisabel: No way, you're kidding.

As Lisabel left, Aruto stopped her, and Zhask followed suit.

Meanwhile, outside...

Lisabel: ...

???: Hey, you must be Agatsuka, right?

Lisabel: ... What should I do? Damn it, think, Lisabel, think.

???: You must be her classmate.

Lisabel: ???

Lisabel: Yeah.

???: It seems you're frustrated.

Lisabel: Why should I be? She will die in 30 days.

???: Well, you are.

Lisabel: You know me?

???: Well, a lot.

Lisabel: ...

???: Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Tsumugi Shiraishi.

Lisabel: Aren't you one of the Millionstars?

Tsumugi: Yes.

Lisabel: Sorry about that.

Tsumugi: It's fine.

Zhask: ...


Zhask was meditating in the dojo until...

Boy: Hey, Zhask, Sensei wants to see you.

Zhask: Sensei?

As he headed to see Sensei.

Zhask: Sensei.

Sensei: Zhask, you came. I thought you were busy.

Zhask: So, what's going on?

Sensei: I have sensed many dark beings called Reapers roaming around. I'm worried that someone might get hurt. They are the strongest beings, Zhask. It's up to you to stop them.

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