Chapter 8 When My Mother Was There

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Previous Hour June 19, 2017

A man was walking in a park.

Man: Oh man, it's 7:30. Better be back.

And then he was followed by a shadow.

Man: Who's there?

But no one was there.

Man: I guess no one's here.

As he continues to walk, a shadow runs in.

As he saw the shadow.

Man: Huh ah ah.

Present Hour June 19, 2017

Aruto, who is reading the Myriad Book, got a call.

On the line:

Aruto: Hello.

Shisuke: Hey, did you see the news?

Aruto: You mean 5 people went missing?

Shisuke: How did you know?

Aruto: I saw it on the news.

Shisuke: Oh, anyways, we should go to Yuigaoka after school.

Aruto: Agree.

Out in the line:

Aruto: I wonder who they were.

June 20, 2017

During school time:

Mr. Cain: Alright class, how were spiders created in mythology?

As 4 students raised their hands, they saw Mr. Cain.

Mr. Cain: Any hand?

But it's the same until he saw Shisuke copying from the lessons.

Mr. Cain: Shisuke.

Shisuke: Huh?

Mr. Cain: I have a question about how spiders exist in mythology.

Shisuke: Um, uh.

Mr. Cain: Ok then, any hand? And Aroyo, remain standing.

As he saw Aruto staring out the window.

Mr. Cain: Aruto.

As he stands.

Mr. Cain: How do spiders exist in mythology?

Aruto: In Greek mythology, Athena transformed Arachne into a spider because Arachne made a woven about the gods' true nature.

Mr. Cain: That's correct.

Until the bell rang.

Mr. Cain: Ok class, you can go home now.

After school, at Yuigaoka:

Amano was doing some tech until the team arrived.

Shisuke: Man, I'm burned out.

Mineta: You've been saying that 2 times.

Amano: Did you hear about the news?

Aruto: That's why we came, 5 people went missing.

Amano: That's correct, 5 went missing. 1 just went missing today, which means 4 in the previous day.

Shisuke: This is heck.

Mineta: So what now?

Amano: The next shadow move will be unknown for now.

Shisuke: Um, well, yeah, well tonight is my night shift at work, so yeah, I have to be early.

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