Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Weirder

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Luke POV:

Almost 21 years on earth. No song. I was exactly one week away. What was wrong with me?

I called over to my roommate who was sprawled out on our couch," Josh? Get up! We gotta clean this place. It's as much of a mess as you!"

I walked over and pulled his limp body off of the couch so I could fold the blanket.

20 minutes of silence later I hear," Why are we even cleaning? It's like 11:30. We can clean in the morning."

He knew why we couldn't clean in the morning. I knew why we couldn't clean in the morning. If we saved it for the morning, it would never get done.

I never did anything in silence. There was always music. I risked it tonight and put my playlist on smart shuffle. I hardly listened to obscure music but it was playing some interesting songs.

I hadn't listened to "Uptown Girl" in years but there it was playing. I didn't know what "Mr. Lover man" was but I felt called out. I would hear a song I knew every once in a while but for the most part, it was all new.

Before I knew it all of my songs are about love. Even some Coldplay.

It was almost midnight. We'd agree we would stop at 12. 11:57. I gave the music one last chance to play something good. It did.

"Nobody better than you"

"It was us didn't you"

"Now I lay"

"Blank wall"


"Till it grew"

"Bury me in your memory"

"What you saw in me"

"Falling apart"

It was happening. I just didn't know it.

"Tell me what I'm meant to do"

"Cause there's nobody better than you"

I was shaken. I was called out. Josh went to bed but I stayed up cleaning. I couldn't sleep.
I let the music play. I couldn't get that stupid song out of my head.

The following songs weren't much better. This Mitski person kept showing up. I didn't know who she was but all of her songs cut deep. Too deep.

Three hours of music later and it was still resonating in my head. I played the song twice more. Maybe if I played it again It would stop hitting so hard.

It didn't work. Every time I heard it I felt like I was floating. I felt warm and fuzzy. I'm not sure if my judgment was clouded or if I was just stupid. Who doesn't recognize their soulmate song?

Me apparently.

When I woke a very sleepy Josh that was the answer I got. I had heard my song and he needed to sleep. I loved him, but god was he terrible at advice.

I didn't sleep that night. I just heard it. Over and over. Again and again.

When I woke up the next morning it was playing in my head. I didn't initiate it. My soulmate did. They must have heard it too.

Bury Me In Your Memoryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن