It's okay, I have Lyle!

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Parkyr POV:

And then on December 3rd, it happened. Our restaurant closes late. Midnight. As I sat at the pickup window I nervously checked my watch and prepared myself for a life without a soulmate.

I had Lyle. He was enough. I had a steady job. For the most part. I hated what I was doing with my life but at least I was gonna have a degree.

Ironically our restaurant usually quieted down after 11 but there was a particularly rowdy group of guests. I had a headache. A bad one. There were no pickup orders and with three minutes till midnight there wouldn't be.

I excused myself from my post and went to the back. I needed silence. I didn't get silence.

It began to slowly fade in. It was loud. And slightly haunting.

"Would you spare me your voice if I called"

"Bury me in your memory"

"Tell your friends"


"Falling apart"

I was right about the spectacle. I felt like I floating. Everything felt so good.

"Tell me what im meant to do"

"Cause there's nobody better than you"

It happened. The last line of the song was interrupted by an announcement from the manager," Good morning everyone. It is now midnight which means that Sopranos is now closed. Just as a reminder the date is Monday, December 4th. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here. Please do not operate your vehicles if you are under the influence. We would be happy to call a cab or Uber for you. Have a good rest of your night."

I didn't even say goodbye to Colby. I just left. I put on my coat, grabbed my bag, and left. When I got home I didn't even pet Lyle. I just slipped off my work shoes and plopped onto my bed. It would sure be a sight to see the following morning. A sad girl lying on her bed still in her coat. Happy birthday to me.

I'm not much of a sappy person but knowing I was capable of being loved was the best gift.

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