-Chapter Twenty-Nine- The Scientist

Start from the beginning

He looked down at Y/n with a grin. "The effects vary too, and the better they are, the harder it is to use them. Some wands only erase a day's worth of memories, some erase a month's, others can wipe you back to the day you were born. Longer the effect goes back, the more powerful you have to be to wield it."

Kai pointed at the wand on Y/n's belt. "They were pretty common in Saporia, but that one you've got right there? Most powerful kind you can find. The amount of amnesia will instantly adjust to whatever, deep down, you really want it to be. Can't control it, 'cause it'll just tell what you want, even if you're lying to yourself about it. No magic required. You don't even have to think."

Y/n paused. "That doesn't explain why I can't just give it to one of you."

The taller Saporian grinned, and Y/n smiled faintly as she looked up at him. Finally, someone who'd just give her the information she needed.

"Wands like that can't be used by just anybody. They've got minds of their own. Those kinds of wands pick a person that fits them, and won't let anyone else even get close."

Clementine grumbled. "They want people who know what it's like to be forgotten. People who are familiar with how it feels. They'll pick whoever they think knows it the best."

She rolled her eyes. "I thought it would've been me, and it has been for a while, but I guess you're just more sad and tortured than I am, wow, look at you. Aren't you proud of yourself?"

"Oh, hush, Clementine." Kai said jokingly, before turning back to Y/n. "She's just like this. I'm sure she loves you!"

Y/n made eye contact with the woman. She seemed to be trying to murder Y/n with her eyes.

"Uh... huh."

Before the silence could become any more uncomfortable, they arrived at a carved stone and wooden door at the end of a long hallway.

Y/n stepped ahead of Clementine and Kai, pushing the door open.


The room was in a state of semi-darkness, a lack of windows preventing the morning light from hitting the space. Stray boxes, barrels, and strips of fabric littered the room, and pipes emerged from the walls at random intervals, diving back in meters away.

More striking, though, were the scientific supplies strewn all over the area. An island was set up in the middle of the room, and it, along with three tables on the sides, were absolutely covered in alchemical tools. Beakers, test tubes, burners, diffusers, everything. If that wasn't impressive enough, all of the supplies seemed to be in use at once, fresh chemicals of all colors bubbling in every beaker, rows of multicolored glass spheres lined against a wall.

The alchemist himself was standing in the center of the room, having ditched the suit from the night previous in favor of his outfit from before. He had his goggles down and bandana pulled up over his mouth and nose as he delicately dropped one purple compound into another. At the sound of his name, he jumped, letting go of the dropper and causing the contents of the beaker to combust in a small- but short- burst of flame.

"Y-Y/n!" he exclaimed. "Uh- um, hey, guys!"

Varian seemed... on edge. He hadn't removed his goggles or bandana, his face still completely covered.

"Varian," Y/n began, a hint of warning in her tone as she began to reach a conclusion, "how much did you sleep last night?"

He flinched, and Y/n knew she'd got him as he began to stutter. "Well, you see, I, um, wasn't tired, so it really wasn't a big deal- um- really, it's not important, I'm just fine-"

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