Undercover Hearts

Start from the beginning


David didn't waste no time. He planted a kiss on Matthew's lips. Only because the guards had been staring at him and Matthew for a little while. David would never admit it but he didn't want Matthew's cover to be blown.

Sparks flew through the kiss. As much as they hated what was going on they couldn't deny that the kiss was causing them to feel emotions they never felt before.

"Ok I think they stopped looking," David said

"Don't ever do that again," Matthew said

"Ok officer," David said in a mocking tone

"Why are we even dancing?" Matthew asked

"Why not? You look so lonely back there," David said tucking a piece of hair behind Matthew's ear

"I'm doing my job," Matthew said

"If you're doing your job why aren't I in handcuffs?" David asked

"I'm not after you, shorty," Matthew said

He knew he hit a nerve when he called out his height. That's the one that David hates. He hates that he's short and people use that against a lot. At first it was funny and light hearted but overtime it didn't grow on him anymore.

His breath hitched at Matt's comment. The Reyes boy quickly left the dance floor but he was getting pursued by Matthew.

They both ended up on the elevator. David stood in the corner smirking. Hoping that his plan would work today.

"You can't be mad about my comment," Matthew said

David kept his mouth shut.


The elevator landed on the 8th floor. Matthew followed David with vigilance as the young man entered a hotel room. Matthew walked in and made sure that no cameras or anything were in there.

"What the fuck is going on?" Matthew asked

"Hopefully my plan working out," David said taking his suit jacket off

"Plan? What you set me up or something?" Matthew asked

"You'd be dead by now if I did that," David said getting closer

"Then what's the plan?" Matthew asked staring down in his eyes

"This," David said rubbing his hand over Matthew's crotch

Matthew had to follow two sets of rules. One from his boss back at the police department and his own rules. Those rules are morals. Things that he lives by. For example, never hurt the innocent or children. Or don't mix work and play.

But right now he was having a war in his head. There was a thin line between lust and work. He didn't want to cross it but right now he was tempting to do just that.

David, however, had a plan. Get the cop to fall so deeply in love with him and then make his life hell soon. He didn't know if he wanted to kill him or what. He had a solid plan.

But a tiny little voice in his head was telling him otherwise.

Slowly closing the distance between them Matthew collided lips with David. Eager, David just fell into submission with Matthew. Taking off their shoes, pants, guns, shirts, they both were hungry for each other.

"Finally get to see if white dick is as good as they say," David said as he laid on his back

"Crazy as hell for saying that," Matthew said

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