Ex For A Reason

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Ddot x Tyler

Top Tyler
Bottom Ddot

A very crazy ex Tyler.

Requested by Runtofelix

Ddot Pov

Me and DD were at the studio just goofing around. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw Tyler calling me.

"Y'all got back together?" DD asked

"No. He just won't stop calling me," I said irritated

"It's been two months. He needs to know that yall over," DD said

"I made it clear to him a bunch of times. He was controlling and aggressive while we were dating. I didn't want that," I said

I turned my phone off and me avd DD decided to call it night.

"You sure you're gonna be ok? You can stay the night at my house," DD said

"I'm good mh. I'll text you tomorrow," I said heading to my car

I got inside my car and once again my phone started ringing. Tyler was calling me.

He's never gonna stop.

I ended up blocking him.

On everything.

I drove back home to my apartment. I had to move three times because of Tyler. He pop up at weird times. Send me love letters and gifts. I got scared for my own safety, so I moved. Three fucking times.

I think this time is better. The apartment here has better security and I told them to not accept any mail from Tyler.

When I got to the parking lot of my apartment, I noticed Tyler's car but I know it's not his cause the license plate is from Delaware.

I took my keys out and headed up to my place. I got ok the elevator. The stupid elevator music was playing until I got to the 12th floor.

The penthouse.

With help from DD, I managed to get myself this penthouse. I threw my keys on the table and headed straight to my bathroom.


I stopped in my tracks and turned around to open the door. I opened the door to Tyler.

"Hi baby," Tyler said

"They let you in?" I asked

"You could say that," Tyler said

"What do you mean by that? Tyler I don't want you here. We're broken up," I said

"I'll be a better man-"

"You said that 20 times before," I said

"Don't let us end Ddot," Tyler said

I closed the door but his foot kicked in back open.

"Tyler just go," I said getting afraid

Tyler walked in and grabbed my waist to him. He was wearing my favorite cologne of his. He's did that on purpose.

"I'm not going nowhere Ddot," Tyler whispered in my ear

He started kissing my neck and I unfortunately let out a moan.

No don't cave in Ddot

Do not let him win.

"Tyler leave or I'll call the cops again," I said

BXB imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang