A burger that cost $100

Start from the beginning

Connor felt Dave walk away as he saw a car park in front of him and he climb in the back seat and saw Will was driving with Charlotte in the passenger seat and Anna was in the back as well.

"Nice to see you again," Will said. Connor returned a hi still mad about seeing Dave.

"Is something wrong?" he heard Anna ask he turned to look at her and shook his head.

"I haven't been to the mall in a long time," he said making up something quick although it wasn't a lie. They all caught on that it was because he didn't have money.

"I was thinking," Anna said. "Why not apply to a job or two at the mall?"

Connor wanted to say he has to all of them and they all said no. "No one wants Jack Davis brother working for them," Connor said not wanting to see the pity in her eyes and looked out the window.

"Will and I can put in a word for you," Anna said smiling at her plan. Connor had to admit she was pretty cute how she was excited for helping him.

"You guys don't know me," he said making her smile fade.

"We will just say some nice words if they hire you then it we won't be responsible if you end up robing or something, we will just arrest you," Anna smirk making Connor chuckle but nodded not wanting to say he had no hope that they will hire him.

Connor felt uncomfortable when they parked in the parking lot and saw many people going inside and out with bags, teenagers laughing, couples holding hands, mothers after their children, security walking around. So many people. They all got out and started walking Connor notice Charlotte and Will talking and realize Anna was right, they were flirting and leaving Anna out of it not that she would want to be flirting with them at least.

"How about we get some food first?" Anna suggested. Charlotte groan.

"No Anna, I know you hate shopping but you are not going to hide out in the food court as always," Charlotte said.

"I'm hungry!" Anna argued.

"They're total opposites," Will said to Connor. "You know Anna is right, I wouldn't mind putting in a few words for you, the amount of times Charlotte drags us to the mall I pretty much know every worker in every store in this mall," Connor chuckled at his joke.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Will nodded as he walked to Charlotte and told her to leave Anna alone and if she wants to spend money on food then that is on her.

Anna walked up to Connor and smiled. "Want to go get a burger? I'll pay," Connor felt a little weird letting a girl pay for their when he was the one who was supposed to pay. He was going to say no but his stomach growl and Anna chuckled and walked to the food court with Connor on her tail.

"You shouldn't pay," Connor said still not liking the idea of Anna paying for them. Anna ignored him and stopped at the entrance of the food court to see what she wanted to eat.

"What are you going to want?" Anna asked Connor making him roll his eyes. He didn't respond hoping she wouldn't force him to get something. "Fine, hopefully you like Five Guys," she said starting to walk to Five Guys.

"Anna I don't want you wasting money on me," Connor kept on complaining.

"I'm now," Connor felt confused, was she not going to buy him something. "I'm spending money on you, food for you. Now will you shut up and accept it." Connor couldn't help but chuckle and walk next to Anna until they stood in line. "Here, sense you probably don't want people to think it's rude that the guy isn't paying." Anna said handing money to Connor. Connor took the money and waited in line smiling for the rest of the time.

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