A burger that cost $100

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"He's Jack Davis brother?" Charlotte said gasping.

Anna has explained the story to her, even the kiss and once Charlotte asked how did they meet, Anna couldn't lie and just had to deal with her lecture.


"Oh hell nah. But what if he lied about not being involved with him. And you invited him to come with us tomorrow? What if he wants gets mad at a worker and kill them on the spot?" Anna rolled her eyes.

"He's not killing anyone, he's not part of the gang, trust me," Charlotte sigh and nodded.

"You're right, I shouldn't doubt you of all people," she nodded and smiled. "Okay I can't wait for this double date, I wish we could have gone to a restaurant or something, how do you think Will will react about this? Haha did you get that? Will will haha," Anna chuckled at her friend.

Charlotte and Anna met in kindergarten and have been attached by the hip sense, they raised money to buy this house for them and they were living the dream. It was amazing living with your best friend, all you had to was yell her name and she was there for you.

"So you admit this is a date between you and Will," Anna smirk making Charlotte blush.

"What? No. Its a date between me and Connor, I mean have you seen him," Charlotte pretend to faint as Anna laugh and they both decided it's time for bed an walked their separate ways to their room.

Anna sat on her bed for a while thinking about her decision about asking Connor to join them. She was right she didn't want to be a third wheel between Charlotte and Will constant flirting, but she felt there was more of a meaning towards it. She wondered if it was going to be awkward, or if they were going to mention the kiss. Or just simply ignore it and continue with their day, she was very happy Charlotte and Will were going to be there because Anna and Connor alone would end one way or another.


Connor wore a hoodie with jeans a little big with paint on them, it was the cheapest ones he could find. He didn't want to wear anything dirty or with holes on them and make Anna regret inviting him to the mall, where you know there's a lot of people. He couldn't do anything about the shoes but he hope not many people will stare. He was used to it and it never bothered him but this time he was going to be around people and he remembered the amount of bags Anna friend had with her, or the house Anna lived in, and Will. He was going to be out of placed and he knew it.

He walked outside deciding to wait for them there. "Well look at what we have here," a deep voice said. Connor turned around and faced a man a little older than him and was very strong, he was shirtless. Connor glared at the man a little annoyed.

"You should leave Dave, people who work for the police are about to show up," Connor said warning Dave.

"People who work with the police?" Dave asked confused. "How do you know this? Are you working with them? You're not rating out boss are you," Dave asked making a step closer out of his anger.

"No," Connor said putting his hand on Dave chest to give him a little push back. "I wouldn't do that and you know it," he turned around to face the other way not looking at Dave.

"Good because I wouldn't hesitate telling boss, and he wouldn't hesitate showing up, how long has it been sense you guys saw each other? A long time hasn't it I hope this isn't your way to bring him out now," Dave said making Connor mad. Dave notice a very nice looking car coming up. "That must be them," Dave walked up behind Connor and whispered in his ear. "All you have to do is ask boss to see you, so we better not find out you're telling the police anything about boss."

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