SURPRISE/ anniversary

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I had figured out the shooter. My mother. She wanted me dead for putting my father into the punishment that he deserved. I don't know who found out and how but someone found out and told me. Now I have to find her. But now ever since some other things got out of control, they have better security. And I don't think that my mother could have escaped. Honestly I don't even know how she got up those stairs to the watch tower... or how she even survived. She probably only lost like 2 pounds considering how much she managed to eat and how little she managed to move. I am glad that I was not with her or my father the whole way or else I would be dead, because my parents and stupid ass older sister always pushed me into hoards of walkers to get away but me and my older brother managed to escape and know we are cool living here in Alexandria... most of the time.

    I was interrupted by my thoughts when Carl came up to me and started talking.


    "Hey y/n, what do you want to do?" He questioned.

    "I want to find my mother and bring her to justice. But I have no Idea where she is. She isn't in her home and the security is watching the gates 24/7." And with that I started walking away. But before I could get anywhere Carl grabbed my arm and spun me around and kissed me. I wonder if he knows that it is our 1 year anniversary ever since we started dating.

   "But y/n, it is our anniversary tonight. I want to do something special for us tonight. Please? Meet me in the park in the center at about 6, okay?"

    "Okay. (TFIOS reference... sorry it was an accident)" I replied. It was 4 so I have 2 hours to get ready.  I ran home and took a shower while he went of and talked to one of his friends. I took a long shower like half and hour. Oops. Oh well at least I am clean! After that i braided my hair a special way to make it look curly. (unless u have curly hair...) And I let it dry like that. On a run a while ago I actually found some good usable make up. And purple hair dye. So I am going to dye my hair another time. And I put on a little bit of make up. Only like a little eyeshadow and some mascara.

    I read a book for a while until my hair was dry and it was 5:45. I took my hair down and tamed the curly-ness to make it look natural. And I got dressed quickly into a short black flowy-ish dress with a light lace pattern 'engraved' into the soft fabric.  And put on some light blue converse. And headed out to where Carl told me to go. When I got there I saw him and a little bit of fairy lights with a picnic set up for us. It was so romantic. I sat down and said,

    "How did you do all of this?! This is amazing!" I gushed. And the sun was setting over the trees so it was perfect.

    "Well I had a little bit of help from Enid." He said. Now that Enid and I are friends, she knows everything about me. We ate and giggled and had a good time. And it was in a kind of private spot so it was better. After we ate we lied down on the ground and looked up at the stars just cuddling.. My head was in Carl's chest as I could hear his heart beating and feel it rising up and down. And he started to speak. Earlier he told me that they found my mother and she was in punishment.

    "You know y/n, I love you a lot. And I don't know what I would have done without you if you hadn't survived."

    "I love you too Carl. And I know what you would do with out me. You would have to shoot me in the head like *makes explosion noise while blowing up cheeks and flailing hands*. But on the side so I can still be like the pageant winner of all of the walkers, cuz I am just that great. And that clever to have the walkers have a beauty pageant. With the tiara and all." I said in a joking manner.

    "And this is why I date you, because you are perfect and can always find good in a bad situation and turn something so horrible into the funniest joke that anyone has ever heard, in a non offensive way." He said, letting me know that he really loves me.

    "You know? I am in love with you, Mr. Carl Grimes."

    "And I am in love with you, my hopefully soon to be Mrs. Y/n Grimes."

    Man this is what it feels like to be in love? ... Sweet!


Hey guys so I am still continuing this book and sorry that I missed the due date but it is still here. I love you guys so much! and I have nothing else to say so...  BBBAAAIII XleeleebooX !

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