ignorance and firsts

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There were rumors being spread around about me and I don't know who is saying those things. So I am conducting a little experiment. I am ging to ignore all of the people who the rumors are with and who might have spread them... And that includes Carl. Because someone said that I had lost my virginity to him, and obviously I didn't.

Some people are so low to also try to call me a lesbian, slut, attention whore, and cutter but it doesn't bother me. But it has gotten so bad that at the new school here in Alexandria people are putting notes on my desk asking and telling me stuff about the rumors.

So I was sitting in my room reading a book with ear buds in so I couldn't hear the others, when Carl walked in. He sat down on my bed right beside me and started talking but I couldn't hear him and I could only see his mouth moving.

"Hey y/n, what's wrong? You have been ignoring me and everybody." He asked worriedly. But as my plan was to ignore. So I did. But that didn't help. He started asking me a lot of questions that he knew he wouldn't get the answer to. But he tried anyway. But he should've know that I actually could't hear him because the ea buds were so loud that you could hear them when they were still in.

"Y/n please. Did I do something wrong? Do you not like me anymore or is it just that you had a bad day today?" Still no replies came out of my mouth. He knew everything that has happened to me but still doesn't know that I am ignoring him too. But I feel kind of bad. He is my boyfriend and I only told him a few secrets that I only told to one other person. And Jazmine would never tell anything because she is my best friend.

The secrets are; that I used to cut, but never that much-people think that i am doing it still, Carl and I have made out before-we have but only like 4 or 5 times from when we started dating, and who my female crush is- But you know the kind of girl crushes of who you would want to be if you could be them.

But everyone has just bent the truth soo much that almost none of it is actually true. But I was snapped out of my thooghts when my earbuds were yanked out of my ears and revealing nothing but the sound of Carl's sweet voice.

"Y/n please just talk to me tell me what's wrong. I hope you know that I ould NEVER tell anyone any secrets. Especially if their yours because I know how people get. Just please I can't stand the fact of you ignoring me and not trusting me." He just kept begging for me to talk to him so I finally decided to talk.

"Carl, I don't hate you at all. It's just that people are spreading rumors and you and Jazmine are the only people that I told and now somebody found out. And I know what you're thinking, that she did it... But I know her and she would never do that to me. In fact she is the only one I am talking to and she is helping me out. And ever since then I had heard so many more that I can't eve believe. And I do trust you. I really do. So I am sorry." My words had fumbled out of my mouth like me with my thumbs on my first day of school.

"It's okay it isn't your fault. I just thought if I tried hard enough that I could get you to talk. So who are the people that are saying these things?"

"I don't know. But if I try to talk to one different person each day I think that it might work." I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder feeling pretty tired seeming that it is getting dark. And we started talking about other stuff. It was about nine at night now.

"And then me and Abbey started cracking up because of Mary accidentially swiped her banana ni-" I was cut off by Carl giving me a really passionate kiss on the lips. I had felt so much heat just rise in me and to my cheeks. This kiss was different than any other one we had ever had. It was magical.

"I am sorry I just was thinking about how perfect your laugh is. And how beautiful you are. And that got me thinking of all of the other wonderful traits. And that took a while. The it his me. Like a flying brick or a dodge ball to the face. That I would do anything for this to stop. All of the rumors, everything. Just so I can tell you how much I love you."

"I love you too." I said with the truth pouring out of my mouth. My cat jumed up on the bed and I started drifting off to sleep in Carl's strong and muscular arms. That was the first time we said it. It was perfect.


hey guys, sorry that this was updated late tonight but i moved the date to Friday and my cousin has a 5k (3 mile) race tomorrow so I was over at her house making posters and getting pizza and shopping for the supplies with her and my aunt. But it was fun. banana nipples, cacti. And always remember to piss in buckets, and shit in pools. soooo i have nothing else to say sooooooooooo................... BBBAAAIII XleeleebooX

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