father, how dare you

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I have to go out of Alexandria tomorrow... On a Saturday. And this is the day that me and Carl hang out. It is like our day. So I asked my Father if Carl could come.

"Hey dad, can Carl come with us? I asked, hoping that he would say yes.

"No. You can't have anyone come it with us just me your mother and your grandfather and you." He said tersely.

"Why, just because I am dating him? Just because you don't like him doesn't mean that mom and grandpa don't. I don't see why.

"Look y/n I am not going down this road again. So just drop it." He said rudely.

"Well I don't want to be the only one out there so I don't want to go." I said making it obvious that I was not going to go.

"Don't threaten me! Just because he is not going you doesn't mean you threaten me to let him go. And I see the way he also to you. I don't like him. I make the desicions here and you are kicking him to the curb you can't date him or anyone else. Got it!? And you are going and I don't care if you don't want to go you are going and that's final!" He spat in such a rude and harsh way. I started crying.

"I am not threatening you I actually don't meant to go. Just because I have wanted to go then, doesn't mean that i want to go now. And I can't just break up with Carl like that. He is super nice and he is the best person in the whole world. This is my life. You don't make the desicions for me! That is my job!. I am not a little girl anymore so you can't keep telling me what to do!" I yelled

"What did you just say to me? I am the adult. You are the kid. Don't you ever speak like that to me again!" And with that he slapped me across the face.

I started screaming and calling out for help. No one came to my rescue. Not my mom , sister, or brother. They never help me. I tried to defend my self by kicking him but he wouldn't move because he is so fat. I couldn't do much else so I tried to block the punches being thrown and the kicks and slaps coming for me. Then he started choking me and it felt like I was a balloon the the air was being let out of.

Then he stopped o a knock at the door... Thank God for who ever that was. He answered it while I ran upstairs and prepared to talk to Carl. I jumped out my window and saw Deanne at the front door. I sprinted to his house. A couple minutes kater, I knocked on his door and was greeted with a smile that quickly faded as quickly as the infection to the apocalypse rose.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asked in an obvious worried tone. I had told him everything and by the end of it we were both crying together.

"Carl, we need to take a break. I can't have this keep happening to me. And it is obviously affecting us both. I am so sorry. I love you so much but I can't do this any more." I cried out as even more hot tears sprung out of my hazel eyes.

"No you can't break up with me! I will find a way for us to be together i promise. Babe I love too much to let you go." He bawled out. I hugged him saying OK and saying that I'll go throught with it. But how do I take care of the abuse? I can't just tell home the magical word like lotion and have it all stop. I have to talk to Deanne. And abusive person has already been felt with so it can happen again.

〰 〰 〰 time skip〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰

I walked up the porch to Deanne's house and knocked on it. Maggie had answered the door and greeted me saying hello

"Hi Maggie. Is there by any chance Deanne here? It is kind of urgent."

"Um, yes she is but she is busy right now. If you would like you can tell me and I can write it down so I can tell her." She said in that sweet, caring, soft tone of hers.

"Well you see it is my father and this has been an issue here before and it has been happening for a while now. So I need to tell someone important that can do something."

"He isn't abusing you is he?" She asked completely worried for me. My eyes began to water just thinking about the scene form someone else's point of view.

"Oh honey, please tell me what happened. I bet I can help." She said ahpfter seeing my eyes and and understanding.

I told her everything and she said that she would deal with it but in a few days. And she said in a few days he won't be able to hurt me anymore. He wasn't going to die. But I guess it was kind of going to be like jail.

"Thank you sooo much. I REALLY appreciate it."

"No problem. And if there are any other problems just let me know and I will take care of it okay sweetie?" She said with the infectious tears of the movement she felt. I hugged her and went off for a walk to calm down. Let's just say that Maggie was a great mother figure for me for after that incident.


Hey guys I just wanted to say that if anyone is abused, please tell someone, even me I will try to help as much as I can. So please don't be scared. I Amy not know you personally, but Iacan guarantee that I will care. I have nothing else to say so... BBAAAIIII XleeleebooX .

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