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‘You must be Mr. Ryu Si-Oh’

A melodic but firm voice chimed as he entered the room.

This was unsettling. The view in front of his eyes was rather peculiar.

He was summoned by the prosecutor, however the girl standing in the room, behind the desk was not the person he expected and certainly not the one he wanted to interact with at the moment.

The summon had been abrupt and disturbing, but he was ready with his defense. He always was.

Clearing his throat, he adjusted his features into their usual nonchalance in a hurry.
He was never on the receiving ends of surprises, rather on the inflicting end.

‘I am’
He said with an equally stable voice while keeping a calculative eye on her.

Where had he seen her? His mind searched for the answer. Her face was definitely familiar.

‘Of course you are, now sit down’
She said in a dismissive way, blindly pointing at the sofas, while she herself remained standing behind the desk, vigorously searching for something in the drawers.

Something about her casually authoritative demeanor amused him, but he couldn’t deny it was equally shocking and irritating.

He was not used to being treated like this.

He remained stoic by the door, with his gaze fixed on her.
Dressed in all black, she looked as if she was to attend a funeral.
Her dark hair was coiled up in a tight knot.

His eyes fell on the table.
Her hand movements were robotic but attractively neat.

Another thing he noticed was a pile of files scattered on the table. He looked at the empty shelves to confirm and indeed they were the confidential ones.

Who was this woman? Was she a thief? Where had he seen that face?

‘Who are you? Where is the prosecutor?’

She looked up from the papers, she was reading in daze as if she had forgotten he was even there in the first place.

‘He is outside’ She said with an amused smile and then with a sneer added, ‘We don’t have much time, sit down’

He had to smirk at her audacity and scowl at his own obliviousness.

He was completely lost with no idea as to what was going on.

‘Who are you?’
He repeated once again.

She laughed then and he had to avert his eyes.
He did not want them to linger, to which he was sure would be the case.

‘You don’t seem who you are, all the information almost feels like a lie’
She said, placing her hands on the table with her body slightly bent forward.
Her head was tilted slightly to the side as if she was trying to piece together an unsolvable puzzle, which was amusing rather than frustrating.

What was the meaning of all this? His mind couldn’t comprehend. Feeling bothered but curious he moved towards the sofa and settled down.

He had expected her to join him, however she remained standing behind the desk at first and then settled on the seat behind it with a sigh.
They were a few meters apart but even this distance couldn't dampen the effect of her stormy gray eyes. They shined like electrified snow, making her gaze even more intense.

He did not want to admit how intense he found her gaze, it was almost piercing like a huge dart of smoldering and melting iron.

‘You can be put behind the bars for trespassing in the prosecutor's office’

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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