unexpected surprise attack

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It's nighttime in trost district at 9:16 pm, inside scout regiment HQ with Sasha braus walking in the corridor toward her own barracksbfrom several doors down until she felt sharp back of his neck cause dizziness and blur some reason as he lose unconscious begins collapse forward was about to hit the floor and stop by the hand on back of the collar save Sasha, it was section 46 stealth agent began lifted Sasha bup by his feet and place him over left shoulder.

Section 46 stealth agent: "sleep tight sweetie."

On cue for another pair of stealth agent come out from the door to drag clone Sasha braus by arms and place him on same floor, they give thumbs up to first one.

At supplies room with mikasa Ackerman checked the gas tank in left side of supplies room for a while before heading back to barrack until she felt a sharp pain of the back loosing her unconscious  starting collapses left sideways was about to hit the floor but she being save by levitate from Jedi knight cailitan from totally spies universe two: bisexual edition along with another section 46 stealth agent began lift her up from the group to land on stealth agent arms in bride styles, and the cue for two regular agents come out from right side of crates to drag clone mikasa Ackerman by the arms toward the same place to lay down. As cailitan place two fingers on earpiece inside left ear began talking by someone from other line, "we got mikasa Ackerman, captain nano." She replied back to her in kindness, "excellent work kiddo, return to HQ and place them in bed at their personal barracks."

Cailitan: "sounds good captain."

Meanwhile back at Pokemon alternate world number eight during 6:46 pm

Rika at her apartment in mesagoza city at the living room sitting in the couch watching TV with smile on her face to have best day ever to hang out with new girlfriend in the city until she senses someone inside her apartment with little bit angry look cause getting up on the couch to her head to the left to see Nick Fury, maria hill, and happy hogan standing behind the portal inside of section 27 with impressive grin.

Nick: "pretty impressive to use spider sense, rika."

Rika: "the what?"

Happy hogan: after radioactive spider bite you on right wrist to gain superpowers like shooting webs, climbing walls, and everything."

Rika calm and said, "that's explained the bite this morning when I wake up."

Nick: "how do you like to join section 27 known as ghost ardios, the boys from weapons and gadgets department got your suit is set up for you."

Happy hogan: "that make your girlfriend and her parents proud of you to join section 27 as spider theme superhero to beat up bad guys in every universe. Including battle against titan Pokemon and three phenomenon too aswell."

Rika smile to think the trio is right to join section 27 known as ghost ardios make her girlfriend and her parents (aka future parents-in-law) proud and she said to them in pride, "I'm in, guys." Nick Fury said to her while they clapped their hands together happily, "excellent, welcome to section 27, rika."

Pokemon alternate world number eleven: mentor edition

On Tuesday March 15th, 2025 at blueberry academy during 7:15 pm: teraium-chargestone caven

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On Tuesday March 15th, 2025 at blueberry academy during 7:15 pm: teraium-chargestone caven

Both Drayton and Kieran feeding several wild drillbur in left side of tunnel among with other students for a moment until Drayton turned around face toward the tunnel to see silhouette female figure picked her head out left side of tunnel entrance in eleven feet away to stare down at the group with Drayton got glance of dark blue eyes inside reflection of prinlup shape like eye visiors, he begins rubbing his eyes for second and stop to see silhouette female figure again but she disappeared in a flash. Then he look back at Kieran with serious expression and said, "let go little dude, we're leaving."

Kieran: "to the cafeteria with our friends."

Drayton: "no, section 32."

Kieran: "um sure Drayton."

[New chapter is out for today]

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