My story

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Well I never thoughts I would actually Andreas this My dear Journal.
I usually keep to myself but I decide of O write this down I Will possibly have less ightmares about That Place.
It all begin like a normal day you know... That is until the news of a virtual reality game being developed that would 'change history'
It was advertised like in those reincarnated player novels with pods, pills and other weird tech/drug stuff.
Curious I decide to drop around 3000€ on it knowing I spend more on My pc, you know for a good laugh.
It all began with a instructions and a promise of the fight of 2 factions, the SOULBORN and the DOMINION both of the factions belived in different powers.
The soulsborn belived in the power of souls, they had a short encyclopadia on its ins and outs.

every h.soul exists on a spectrum of color
each h.soul is able to conjour its soul weapon, for example, the weapon of a justice soul would be a revolver.
H.souls can exist on side spectrums of color or main spectrum of color
First, a main spectrum is something like blue all shades of blue are different souls, like the difference between curiosity and integrity they both exist on a shade of blue.
Side spectrums are however different they are similar to fusion souls but a bit different, these h.souls are not a shade but a version of a color, for example:
Cyan is a side spectrum color, why? Because it can be called cyan or light blue, and it doesnt possess any shades therefore its a side spectrum of the spectrum of blue h.soul.

every monster soul is the same however, they exist on no spectrum of color, they exist in a spectrum of strenght.
the stronger the soul, the brighter its glow.
the brighter it is the more magic it has and the more complex it is to control and make construncts/attacks from.

now the only exceptions to these are 4 types of souls and 1... other..?:
- Moral Souls: these Souls are existant on the spectrum of black and white they are usually abnormal, for example:
•soul of hate, it's a black soul that doesnt have its own weapon, it coats the weapon of other souls, how? Well this soul isn't really a soul of its own, its an anycrom it is a soul that affects other souls that posess immense hate towards something.
•soul of hope, its a white soul that exist in those that grant OTHERS hope, this soul doesnt even affect soul weapons rather it boost the effect of the the soul strenght of allies.
•soul of neutrality, this soul can be confused with a gray soul however do not make that mistake, this soul is possibly the most powerful soul as it can take a moral high or low it gives the ability to either copy, steal or give soul abilities and strenght. However this soul is the most proune to turn into a changed soul (45% chance).

- changed souls: these souls are usally souls that changed like a soul of dakrness becoming a soul of light, these souls can advance in 2 directions, a fusion soul (75% chance), or become a changed soul (25% chance).
so changed souls, these soul are rare yet very powerful they usually have the soul's power they changed to however that ability is as strong as if 2 people were to have a normal version of that soul, for example:
2 soul's of hope is as strong as a Singular Changed Soul Of Hope.
The only downside is that evyrtime your soul changes the probability of it changing is divided by 2 every time, the only exception is a soul of neutrality.
a Soul of neutrality has a 45% chance of changing into a changed soul however if you change from that soul to another the chances will return to as if you changed from another soul, however this souls chances never lower.

- Fusion Souls: these souls are fusions now there are 5 types of fusions
•strenghened human: fusion between two or more human souls to create stronger ones.
•strenghened monster: fusion between two or more monster souls to create stronger ones, maybe even ones with the strenght of human souls.
•human monster: a fusion between a human soul and a monster soul
•str.human monster: a fusion between a strenghened human and a monster soul
•human a fusion between a human and a strenghened monster soul

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