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The scene begins first after school where Robbie was in the principal's office where he was talking with Aizawa and a small white animal sitting at the desk.

The scene begins first after school where Robbie was in the principal's office where he was talking with Aizawa and a small white animal sitting at the desk

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Nedzu: Good afternoon, Mr. Reyes. First off, I'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us after your surprise showcase as Ghost Rider.

Robbie: I figured you'd want to talk about it. So, is this the part where you guys expel me or get the police to arrest me?

Aizawa: Is that what you think?

Robbie: I mean, why else would you want to get rid of a dangerous vigilante like me?

Aizawa: That would normally be the case, but we know about the other Rider before. So we know you didn't murder all those people. But, I'm guessing the other guy forced you to do so, right?

Mentioning that gave a bad feeling in the back of Robbie's head.

Nedzu: It frustrates me that a student at UA, especially one in the hero course, thinks less of themselves and believes they don't have the potential to be the best.

Robbie: The best?

Aizawa: You came to this school for a reason. What was it?

Robbie: Uh, being a hero like everyone else here.

Aizawa: Try again. Why do you want to be a hero?

Thinking a bit, Robbie explained his experience on the night his quirk awakened in him. Not the exact details, but enough to give them idea on what's going on. It was realized that he was trying to be a hero on two fronts, for both the Rider and his brother.

Robbie: Lots of heroes have been getting in the business for fame, so I wanna get that so Gabe can have a better life than the one our childhood was. And, at the same time, the Rider's thirst for vengeance gets quenched against the real bad guys.

Nedzu: How do you determine who are the real bad guys? As heroes, it is not our job to be judge, jury, and executioner. That falls into the legal system. Unless of course, you get involved in some of the more shady parts of the hero life.

Robbie: I still don't fully know how it works, either. It's like my quirk lets me look into a person's very soul. From there, I can see their life, from the regrets they made to the secrets not even their family knows about. In other words, I see the real them.

Nedzu: A very interesting way to look at it. And those skills can help work you on being a god hero in the long run.

Robbie: (mutters in Spanish) You both really think I'm still cut out for this?

Aizawa: The question is do you think you are?

Nedzu: Agree. Mr. Aizawa sees the potential in you, otherwise, he no doubt would've expelled you on your first day as he's notorious for doing that kind of thing.

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