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this is tbe only chapter since its a convo from c.ai

D: we're like the sun and moon! Pretty clear who's who.

K: *Kunikida chuckles a bit* "Oh? What makes you say that?"

D: like,the sun is normally thought off as something people look forward too and admire also it has stuff too do with life,cuz you know you have a book and how too live your life.

K: "I suppose you're right. It is seen as something positive and something that gives off life. It makes things grow. And I suppose the moon isn't seen in such a positive light. It's mostly seen as something to worry about due to its association with bad luck and things like lycanthropy."

K: "But, if you think about it. The moon is still important. It creates the tides, it reflects light, and it's beautiful as well. I think it's just as worthy of appreciation."

D: and then I'm like the moon I guess

K: *Kunikida chuckles again.*
"You definitely have some of the moon's qualities. Not the whole bad luck and turning into monsters though."

D: ..it's also ironic,your the one with a book about how too live,me the one with a book on how too die.

K: "Hm, I suppose you're right..." *Kunikida chuckles* "If life and death were a balance we'd be the personification of it."

D: hm..what does that mean?

K: "What I mean is that if life was a scale, we'd be the two objects weighing the scale. One representing life and life alone, and the other representing death and all things dead."

D:..*I nod*
so,you as the life one and me as death.

K: "Yeah, I suppose that's accurate. Just like the sun and the moon, you can't have one without the other. One cannot exist without its complete opposite."

kunizai c.ai convo i had Where stories live. Discover now