chapter 5

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[ Bridget's POV | The 'study camp program' day 1]

[ Bridget's POV | The 'study camp program' day 1]

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I really wish Juliet and Georgette could be here to experience it with me and Nicolette.

Our first day has been a blast even tho it's only been 5 hours since we arrived here. We rolled in around 1 pm, grabbed a late lunch, walked through the city, checked into our hotel, and now we're gearing up for dinner.

So, Mr. Marco drops the bomb: tonight's dinner? It's not your run-of-the-mill event. Nope, it's hosted by the big shot of our program—the ambassador himself.

Get this: there are like 2,000 students from all over Europe and Asia in this program, representing the crème de la crème of schools. But get this: it's not just for Italian students; it's about diving deep into culture and language.

Guess Mr. Marco thought we Italian students had an edge, thanks to our Italian classes. Smart move, right? Nice.

"I'm counting on everyone to bring their A-game and keep it classy," Mr. Marco emphasized, his gaze piercing. "Remember, he's a pretty big deal around here, being the ambassador and all." We all nodded in agreement, fully aware of the importance of the occasion.

I guess what could possibly go wrong, right? Here we are, rocking our school uniforms, even though it's nighttime. Mr. Marco insists on us looking sharp and wearing anything related to our event.

I glanced over at Nicolette, my sister, noticing the subtle signs of nervousness etched across her features. Without hesitation, I reached out and softly clasped her hand, offering a comforting squeeze, while leaning in to share some words of encouragement in a hushed tone. "Don't sweat it, sis. Everything's going to fall into place, trust me."

Her eyes widened slightly as she nodded in acknowledgement, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke, "He's the ambassador, you know." I nodded in response, attempting to maintain an air of indifference. "Yeah, I've heard the buzz about him in the news and all," I replied casually. "Seems like he's not just rich rich rich, but seriously...wealthy. His family's got quite the reputation around these parts, they are known for their banking and business dynasty that has lasted since the 1800s. And he is an only son"

As Nicolette absorbed this new tidbit, I felt her grip on my hand ease up a bit, a glimmer of reassurance twinkling in her eyes. It seemed like the weight of the evening's importance was starting to dawn on her, but with each passing moment, her nerves seemed to mellow out, replaced by a budding sense of confidence.

I mean, sure, the guy's got some clout. But is he really all that, or is he just riding a wave of hype?

So, the dinner kicks off, and this dude who looks like he's seen a good four decades steps up to the stage. Must be the ambassador, right?

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