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As the dawn's gentle fingers caress the earth, a young woman awakens, her delicate features bathed in the soft glow of morning light. Yet, amidst the symphony of chirping birds heralding the new day, shadows linger beneath her eyes, silent witnesses to restless nights and weary dreams. Her lips, once vibrant with life, now tremble with unspoken sorrows, while her hands, once steady, now quiver with unseen burdens. Beads of sweat, like glistening pearls, adorn her brow, testament to another night's battle with haunting nightmares.

In the midst of this tender awakening, an elegant figure, draped in the golden hues of a Banaras saree, glides into the room. "Good morning, Dri," she sings softly, her voice a balm amidst the morning's turmoil. "Please, my dear, rouse yourself and join us downstairs. Your father and Darsh have embarked on yet another discourse about their wardrobe, leaving me in dire need of your assistance."

But as her words linger in the air and are met only by silence, the Dwani's heart aches for her beloved daughter. Though outwardly present, Drithi seems lost in the labyrinth of her own thoughts, her gaze fixed upon a glowing screen of her mobile that offers no solace. Two years have passed since her laughter danced upon the breeze and her cheerful smile bringing life to their home, replaced now by a haunting absence that weighs heavy upon her mother's soul.

With a gentle touch, the lady seeks to draw her daughter back from the depths of reverie. And as their eyes meet, she offers words of comfort, whispered like a prayer into the morning air. "Your selflessness shall not go unnoticed, dear. The divine eye watches over you, and in due time, shall bestow upon you the miracles you deserve."

Yet, in response, Drithi's voice, heavy with the burden of unspoken grief, resonates through the room. "I am tired of everything, Mom," she confesses, her words a lament for the trials that weigh upon her spirit. And though Dwani's heart longs to offer reassurance, she finds herself silenced by the weight of her daughter's sorrow.

With a small smile, Drithi bids her mother farewell, promising to join them downstairs soon to start to the resort where her only brother's wedding festivities are going to start, in a couple of hours from now. For today marks a moment of celebration for her brother, a respite from the shadows that cling so closely to her.

As Dwani tenderly kissed her daughter's forehead and retreated to her own sanctum, she was greeted by the familiar sight of her husband and son engrossed in discussions about attire. Their collective gaze met hers, silently acknowledging her earlier absence. Deepak, ever the doting father, inquired about their beloved Drithi, prompting a solemn nod from Dwani.

Meanwhile, Darsh, their son, observed his mother's demeanor with a keen eye, sensing the weight of her unspoken worries. His inquiry about Drithi's screen fixation struck a chord, met by Dwani's tempered frustration, tinged with a mother's unyielding love.

"Mom, was she staring at her mobile again?" Darsh asked after some moments of silence. Dwani exhaled and with a hint of anger said, "Do you think she will stop it, Darsh?" Darsh walked towards her and holding her shoulders said, "Mom! Please hold your anger. You know each of us is bound to the promise we made. Dri is going to be fine and just few more hours mom, everything will start falling into its place."

Dwani nodded her head while her heart cried for all the pain her daughter had to endure. "I just wish she has it in her to forgive all of us when she comes to know the truth. She was staring at her phone and said she is tired of everything, Deepak." Darsh moved out of his parent's room giving them privacy and walked towards his room. In the solitude of his room, Darsh's attention shifted to a ringing phone, a connection to his betrothed and the love of his life, Diya. "Hey Diya! Are you ready? What time did he reach? Did you talk to him? Don't worry, we will start in 15 minutes. See you there, Love."

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