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novel one
There was a young boy named Axalyn working for the Campbell family as a slave

He was wearing raggedy clothes that were some sizes too big for him, his eyes were puffy since he has been crying for quite some hours, he's cleaning the dishes, his face is full of bruises after he got in trouble with his master once again

He kept sighting while cleaning the dishes, thinking of the good ol' times where he'd eat dinner with his parents and sister... and sometimes some tears would fall down again as he remembered how hungry he was

His hands, now red from being so much in contact with water were starting to feel sore too, he would've cried again if

Ellis Campbell, the middle child of his master approached him, he was short, fourteen years old with brown messy hair and green eyes, his skin was a little tan but still palish like every Antarctican peasant

"What do you wa- I mean what do you need,sir?"

He hugged Axalyn from the back and said with his usual loud voice that made Axalyn feel extremely out of place

"I'm only fourteen, I'm no sir!"

He joked

"Sooo, princy"

That's how they called him princy or prince to mock his manners and ways that were of a prince since he was educated as one

"You were a prince right?"


"So, you went to school?"


"Do you still have to wash many dishes?"

Axlyn sighted and muttered

"No, this is the last one, why?"

"Then can you help me with maths? Pleease?"

"Uhm.. sure"

He finished cleaning up ant then went with Ellis in his room which was upstairs

He explained to him his home-works and Ellis was actually quite a good listener

After around twenty minutes he understood

"Thanks, Axalyn"

"You're welcome"

He whispers and then his master barged in

"Look at you! Always slacking off! You're not one of the royals anymore so hurry up and clean fold the clothes"

Axalyn lowered his head and nodded

"Alright, sir."

Later he was cleaning when Ellis approached him again

"I'm hungry, can you make me two or three eggs?"


He started cooking feeling nauseous from hunger and exhaustion
He sighted

"Are you done?"

Ellis asked while getting stood up and went to Axalyn

"Almost, just a minute"

"Mh, alright"

Then he put the eggs in the plate and put it on the table

"You can sit down"

"Thank you"

Axalyn sat down while Ellis started to eat

He turned around and looked out the small window, it was snowing plenty.. he started to think again about his past

Then he heard Ellis speaking and flinched then turned to look at him

Ellis said

"I don't want the third egg, do you want it?"

"Am I really allowed?"

He asked afraid of consequences, he definitely didn't want to sleep outside with all that snow or getting beaten to a pulp once again

"Yeah yeah"

He pushed the plate towards Axalyn, insisting


He started eating

Ellis chuckled

"Look at you, eating with such manners while starving, you're such a prince, no wonder why my parents hate you"

"They... hate me?"

"Never noticed? That you get most of the work while we have other two slaves, they let you eat the nasties thing we've got just to keep you alive? That they punish you for even breathing too loudly?"

"Uhm, well... yeah, I kinda started to notice that"

Then he finished and started feeling faint

"Are you alright?"

"I feel quite sick"

"Oh, you're probably having a sugar crash"

He gave you like a cupcake

"Here eat this"

He ate it and started feeling quite better

Then he left and put in the closet the clothes he folded but then the littlest son of his master approached

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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