Operation find a mother

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Franky stands in front of the kids wearing makeup which made Yaoyao trying her best not to grimace, "This won't do" Loid says "What?!" Franky shouted "I don't like this ma!" Anya points out "Looks like you're not cut for the mother role, Franky" Loid says "This is all you can do?!" Franky complained "There is so much, I can do with your height and build" Loid says "I can't believe I came all this way you know" Franky whined "Have a peanut" Anya says while Yaoyao just stared at him.

'Step 1 is complete, but I wasn't expecting it to be this difficult, now all we have to do is pass the interview' Loid thought, "Oh well, I guess I have to get married".

In the City Hall

"Hey, haven't you heard some creep ransacked the office and stole the women's file" a blonde woman said "I think the manager is creepier, he was staring at me" a short haired brunette woman said, "Well it's probably because of that short skirt" a black haired woman wearing glasses said as she puffs a smoke "Well my boyfriend likes it...you know Sharon you have a good body so you should flaunt it more" the woman said "You don't think of that anymore, once you have a kid" Sharon said as she puffs a smoke, then the blonde haired woman spoke again this time referring to another colleague "What do you think, Yor?" The woman asks another ravenette who is pouring coffee "Hey! Isn't that the manager's coffee, do you think we can put booger in it" the brunette asks, this made Yor look at her co-workers "Eh, does putting boogers make it taste better?" She asks bluntly as her co-workers look at her in shock "Yor-senpai, you're unique" the blonde spoke again "But you can definitely make the guys fall for you if you dress up more" the blonde continued "And I'll be happy to lend you my makeup kit" the brunette said "Thanks, but I'll be happy just to have this job" Yor said glancing at the coffee again "Yor-senpai, aren't you 27? You should be more careful you know there are many spy activities recently and people have been reported for the tiniest things, one of the women in her 30s living alone has been reported by her neighbours for being suspicious" the blonde said "That's hilarious! you sure are well informed, Camille-san" the brunette said "Well it is odd for a woman at that age to be single, very suspicious" Sharon stated "I see, thanks for the heads up" Yor said "Hey! I'm hosting a party this Saturday, you should come and don't forget to bring a date" Camille said as she and the others walk away "Aren't you setting your standards too high?" Sharon asks "Who knows, maybe the creep who ransacked the place will be her date" Camille said, Yor heard them and is simply in shock.

Nighttime at the Briar Residence

Inside the apartment the phone rang "Hello, Briar Residence" Yor greeted "Nee-san" a male voice answered "Yuri" Yor answered happily "Are you okay? You sound odd" Yuri asks "How rude, I am normal!" Yor argued, "Oh yeah, about why I called, I might get a promotion which means I'll be busier flying around more...but I can't leave you alone like this, the only reason I got this far is because of you so I want you to be happy" Yuri stated, hearing that made Yor's moods light up "I know thank you, Yuri" "Isn't it about time you get married?" Yuri asks 'This topic again' Yor thought "Are you interested in anyone lately? Do you want me to introduce you to someone" Yuri asks "No, actually I have been invited to a party this weekend with a date of course" Yor smiled uncomfortably knowing she lied "Eh?! You have a boyfriend?" Yuri asks taken aback "Yeah, so don't worry about that" Yor says "it's a party at work right?" Yuri asks "Yes, Camille's" Yor answered "Well then, I guess I'll ask Dominic about the guy" Yuri said "Huh?" Now this time Yor is taken aback "I know how naive you are, so I'll make sure this guy isn't a loser..I'll be holding off my promotion until I know he is a good guy" Yuri said, now this made Yor panic "You don't have to worry about that-" "Hope to meet him soon, good night" Yuri said before ending the call, Yor put down the phone but now she's worried she got stuck in her own lie 'What should I do, I need to find a boyfriend for the party. If he finds out I lied he'll lose his trust in me' Yor said in deep thoughts as she walks around her room, when the phone rang again, rushing to it, thinking it's her brother "Yuri! I was only joking!" Yor said in a panic, "Oh, Did you buddy-buddy siblings got into a fight?" A foreign voice asks "Shopkeeper, I'm sorry I thought you are Yuri" Yor apologize "Hello, I have a client for you, Thorn Princess" Yor's eyes face took a scary turn "Royal Hotel room 1307".

Forger Family of the Blossoming Osmanthus (Spy x Family x Yaoyao! character)Where stories live. Discover now