A Morning News

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A Morning News

POV of Other Characters about the mysterious disappearance of Special Grade Level Curse.



The city of Sendai was just beginning to stir as the clock struck nine in the morning. The morning sun, in all its glory, was greeting everyone with its warm, inviting rays. It was neither too hot nor too cold, the weather was simply perfect.

As it was a weekday, the humdrum of life was in full swing. Office-goers were already engrossed in their work, striving to earn their living. Similarly, students, the young torchbearers of the future, were already in their schools, engrossed in their studies.

The streets of Sendai were relatively quiet, the usual cacophony of cars replaced by an almost serene silence. It was an ideal time for anyone seeking to do something in a peaceful environment. Amidst this tranquillity, a woman in her late twenties, with hair as black as the midnight sky styled in an elegant updo, was seated in a cosy booth of a local cafe. In front of her were three cups of coffee, their steamy aroma wafting through the air, indicating their freshness.

She seemed to be waiting for someone, her brown eyes were focused on the bustling street outside the cafe, observing the world go by. Then, as if on cue, a man entered the cafe. His hair was as black as hers, styled in short, spiky strands. He wore a dark outfit, matching his equally dark sunglasses, adding an air of mystery about him. Without wasting any time, he made his way to the booth where the woman was seated and took the vacant seat across from her.

"You're late, Yaga-kun. It seems like ageing is catching up on you," the woman teases the man.

"Spare me from your nagging, it's took me a while to distract my manager to stop continuing to follow me around like goddamn a poodle," Yaga said as he pulled a cigarette and a lighter from his jacket. Before he could light up his cigarette, someone's hand stopped him from doing it.

"I can't let you smoke inside here, Senpai," Natsuto said.

"What the fuck? Can't you let it slide this one time? And stop calling me that, we're not senpai and kouhai. You never entered Jujutsu High," Yaga looked a bit annoyed as Natsuto took a seat near them.

"What? You want to get called by me as Elder-san, instead?"


"That's what I thought,"

"Alright, you two, snap out of it," the Woman said sternly. "We need to talk about what happened after the aftermath. Yaga-kun, how are they reacting?"

Yaga and Natsuto stopped playing around, their expressions turning serious. Yaga suddenly pulled out a couple of documents from inside his jacket and showed them to his friends.

"As you can see in my files here," Yaga began, "half of the Jujutsu elders didn't think too much about it. In fact, they're more worried about how they'll be able to control the Six Eyes brat in the future. Meanwhile, some elders still believe that your daughter should be killed alongside her future fiancé, Zenin Naoya, to cleanse the shame they both bring, as old traditions dictate."

Natsuto remained silent, but his eyes followed the woman who sat near him after Yaga finished talking. Her hands were clenched into fists, and her brown eyes stared intently at the floor, a facial expression that seemed to contain anger.

"What did my father choose, Yaga-kun?"

Yaga hesitated, avoiding eye contact. But the woman locked eyes with him.

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