Chapter 4

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After leaving the classroom, Bella and Isa made their way to the university cafeteria. 

Bella couldn't shake off her curiosity about Lacy, and as they found a table to sit at, she decided to bring it up to Isa.

Bella: "Hey, Isa, are you sure you don't know Lacy? You seemed to recognize him back there."

Isa paused, her cheerful personality for a moment.

Isa: "Well, actually... I do know him. We went to the same high school."

Bella's interest was piqued, and she leaned in, unable to resist pushing further.

Bella: "Really? What was he like in high school?"

Isa hesitated, her expression troubled.

Isa: "It's... complicated, Bella. Let's just say we didn't exactly get along."

Bella sensed Isa's discomfort and quickly changed the subject, though her mind continued to dwell on what might have happend between Isa and Lacy in the past.

Bella: "Got it. So, did you hear about the upcoming campus event next week?"

Isa brightened up at the new topic of conversation, grateful for Bella's shift in focus.

Isa: "Oh yeah, I heard it's going to be a blast! We should definitely go together."

After chatting for a while, Bella and Isa gathered their things and prepared to leave the cafeteria. As they stood up from their table, Bella glanced around the room and her eyes landed on Lacy, who was seated alone at a table in the corner.

Isa noticed Bella's gaze and followed it, only to see Lacy staring back at them with cold, intense eyes. A chill ran down Isa's spine, sensing the tension in Lacy's gaze.

Isa: "Hey, Bella, let's go."

Bella turned to Isa, noticing the unease in her friend's voice.

Bella: "Yeah, sure."

As they walked past Lacy's table, Bella couldn't help but feel a shiver of apprehension at the intensity of his stare. She glanced back once more, catching Lacy's eyes briefly before he looked away, his expression unreadable.

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