Chapter 2

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After the classroom emptied out, Bella walked alongside Isa as they went out to explore the college campus. 

Isa: "So, Bella, have you had a chance to check out the cafeteria yet? They have some pretty decent food options there."

Bella: "Not yet, but I'd love to grab a bite. Lead the way!"

After exploring for a while, Bella and Isa made their way toward the dorm rooms area to check out their dorm rooms. They climbed the stairs and reached the hallway lined with numbered doors.

Isa stopped in front of Room 214, her eyes lighting up as she found out that her room is next to Bella room.

Isa: "Looks we are neighbors Bella! "

Bella: "It looks like it I haven't checked my room yet"

Just then, the door to my dorm room swung open, revealing a girl with vibrant purple hair and a warm smile.

Terry: "Hey there! I'm Terry. You must be the one I'm sharing the room with"

Bella nodded, impressed by Terry's unique style.

Bella: "Hi, Terry. I'm Bella. Nice to meet you."

Terry: "Well, welcome to the dorm! If you ever need anything, just let me know!"

Bella felt a surge of excitement as she realized she was starting to build connections in her new college life. 

The next day, Bella found herself running through the crowded hallway, trying to make her way to her morning class. As she turned a corner, she bumped with someone, causing them both to fell.

Bella: "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

To her surprise, it was the mysterious boy from her first day of class. He had been looking down at his phone and hadn't seen her approaching.

Mysterious Boy: "No, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention."

Bella quickly knelt down to help him pick up the bag dropped.

Bella: "Here, let me help."

Lacy accepted her help, his expression a mix of gratitude and something unreadable.

Bella: "Let me introduce my self properly. I'm Bella."

Lacy: "I know. We met in class. I'm Lacy."

Bella confused that he noticed her while staring at his phone the class and even knowing her name.

Bella: "Well, it's nice to officially meet you, Lacy."

Lacy nodded, offering a small smile in return.

As Bella handed him his bag, their hands briefly brushed, and she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her.

Bella: "Are you headed to class too?"

Lacy nodded again, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.

Bella hesitated for a moment, wanting to continue the conversation.

Bella: "Maybe we can walk together?"

Lacy considered it for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Together, they made their way down the hallway toward their next class, engaging in light conversation along the way. Bella couldn't shake the feeling that there was something that worries her about Lacy comment earlier and his calm reserved personality.

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