twenty two

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"Hey!" Joe seemed just as surprised to see me as I was to see him, closing his car door and coming over to where I stood. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Mom lives here now." I gestured towards the cottage. "She...she got sick again."

"Oh, Taylor, I'm so sorry." Joe rested a hand on my arm as he smiled sympathetically.

"Yeah." I sighed with a shrug. "But she's doing okay. What are you doing here?"

"The company's working with some clients that live here, I've just got a few meetings." Joe told me, and I nodded slowly. "So how are you Taylor, you doing okay?" He asked, taking his hand off my arm. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Aside from everything with Mom..." I glanced at her cottage. "I've been really good. How about you?"

"I've been really good too." Joe nodded. "I've been thinking a lot about what we talked about last time we saw each other, and I realized you were right. There's so much more to life than dating, and I've been focusing a lot on other things. I've learned a lot."

"That's really great Joe, I'm happy for you." I smiled.

"And I'm really sorry for what I put you through, really, I am. I was an alcoholic asshole who thought I could have anything I wanted, and I took you for granted. I miss you, but I know you're happy, and I know it's better off this way."

"Oh, Joe, that means a lot." I whispered. "Thank you. And I'm glad you're doing well." Joe nodded, smiling.

"Well I've got to get to some meetings, but you take care okay. Tell your Mom I hope she gets better soon." He told me.

"I will." I nodded.

Joe shifted forwards and I hugged him awkwardly, moving to pull back after a few seconds. But his arms stayed around me, and I blinked up at him, confused. All of a sudden, Joe was leaning forwards, his intention clear. I let out a nervous laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him from kissing me.

"What are you doing?" I pushed him away, stepping back. 

"I just...I just thought..." Joe stammered. "If we're past everything that happened..."

"You thought we could fix things?" I laughed in surprise. "Joe, I haven't forgiven you for what you did, but I've accepted it. I've moved on, we can't ever get back together." I sucked in a breath. 

"Taylor..." Joe reached for me.

"No!" I batted his hands away. "Joe, we're over. We were over the second you kissed that girl. You don't have the right to try and kiss me. You don't have the right to even touch me."

"Taylor." Joe's hand touched my cheek and I flinched, stumbling back another step. My back hit Travis' car door and I swallowed as he came closer, having nowhere else to go.

"Joe please don't." I whispered, scared of what he was going to do. "Please don't touch me." I pleaded. Not again. Not again. 

"Taylor you know I love you."

"No." I shook my head, pushing his other hand off my hip when he tried to rest it there.

"Damn it Taylor will you listen to me for once in your damn life!" Joe snapped, grabbing both of my wrists and pinning them beside my head against the car door.

"Joe!" I cried, wriggling. "Joe stop!" But his grip tightened, hurting as he leaned closer. 

"Hey, get off her!" Travis. I looked over to see him coming out of the cottage, rushing over and grabbing Joe by the shoulder. Travis forced Joe back a few steps, moving to stand in front of me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Travis glared at my ex-boyfriend, reaching behind with his free hand, reaching out to me. I grabbed onto his hand, sliding my fingers through his in a desperate attempt at feeling safe. He squeezed my hand. "When a woman asks you to stop, you stop. Did you never learn any fucking decency?"

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