"What are you doing here? How did you know?" Before he could walk away I harshly grabbed his arm, making him turn towards me. "You've got some fucking explaining to do, Meridia Wilson." He responded with a small glare and pulled away from my grip.

My stomach scrunched up, everything was so confusing to me and they didn't even seem to care. They were just taking out bags, gears, laptops.. rifles. This wasn't happening. "How dare you come here and bring all this? My aunt lives here!" I raised my tone and followed right after John as he continued to ignore me.

"Scylla, please calm down. We don't want to harm you or your aunt. We're just staying for a couple of weeks." Soap butted in, trying to catch my attention.

It was absurd, the captain had given himself permission to come to my aunt's villa without notifying me and they even wanted to stay here. This was so fucking disrespectful. "Riri, what kind of pasta would you— Oh, you didn't tell me we had visitors." Joyce came out the porch and froze when she saw four military men getting their bags from a fucking military car.

"I'm gonna make more pasta then!" Before I could say anything, she vanished inside the villa with a smile, ready to get behind the stoves to prepare lunch for everyone. "It would be nice of you to show us the guests' rooms." John said behind me, making me turn my head to the side to look at him.

I bit my tongue as I was about to say something rude, so instead, I led them inside the villa and showed them around. Except for my room and my uncle's office. For the rest, they seemed to settle down well in their corresponding rooms.

I was too confused and angered that I didn't even spare a glance at Ghost, yet he looked like he didn't even force himself to speak a word to me or look at me. What an asshole.

After I changed myself into something more appropriate — a t-shirt and sweatpants — I went to the kitchen to help my aunt, but someone already preceded my actions. Ghost was placing down the dishes and utensils while my aunt was finishing to cook.

I leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen, watching as the scene unfolded. My eyes trailed along his body, from his balaclava, to his black shirt that restrained against his muscles and to his black cargos. He looked so damn attractive and I couldn't help but bite down my lower lip.

It was always like this, one second ago I was hating on him and now I felt so attracted.

I felt heat rush through my body, to think of what we shared weeks ago, of what we did in my quarters – his hand wrapped around my neck while he left burning kisses on my body. His body pressed up against mine.. his grunts.. his.. no.

I squeezed my legs together and cleared my throat, catching both's attentions.
"Oh, Riri, you came just in time. Lunch is ready!" Joyce turned to me with a wide smile, walking towards Ghost to give him a pat on the back. "This man is such a gentleman! You never told me anything about your new team."

I could hear her talking to me but my eyes were locked in an intense gaze with Ghost. "Yeah." I simply responded, my head bobbing slowly before I finally cut off the eye contact. "I am starving!" Soap joined us in the kitchen along with John and Gaz, all changed into more comfortable clothes. "Mrs Smith, you have such a lovely place. Thanks for letting us stay for some time." John said as he took a seat at the table.

So they talked, huh. All behind my back. "Of course, John. You can stay as long as you want, the villa is always open for Meridia's team." Joyce responded while getting the food ready into the dishes for everyone.

I snapped out of my thoughts and took a seat at the very end of the table, in silence. Everyone was already seated except for Joyce and Ghost, who was giving out the dishes to lend a hand. Once he was done, he took the only free seat next to me and I cursed the Gods for always making him come near me.

Sea of Temptation ; Simon Riley.Where stories live. Discover now