III: Glimpses Of The Future

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Trigger Warning!

September 1st, 1991

Talitha was talking to Draco about herself while they were waiting for the Headmistress, Professor McGonagall to show up infront of the Doors of the Great Hall. Until Draco interrupted her when he saw someone.

"So it's true then" Draco spoke, Talitha went silent and cocked up an brow as she looked to where his cousin is looking. "What they're saying on the train."

"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

Whispers were around as Draco said that. Talitha frowned, she knew Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived. Her Grandmother told her alot about him, How his Father a Blood Traitor, and his Mother an Mudblood. How his Parents were friends with Her Father. She hasn't been listening to Draco when The Red-Hair beside Harry snickered. Draco glared at that Boy.

"Think my names' funny, do you?" Draco Sneered at the ginger. Looking up at him up and down. "No Need to ask yours."

"Red Hair, and a Hand-me-down Robe?" He paused "You must be a Weasly." He hissed.

Talitha also knew the Weasly Family, Pureblood, But has financial issues. They were also Blood Traitors as she can recall it when her Grandmother told her. Once again, she wasn't listening until she heard Potter spoke up.

"I think I can tell the wrong sorts for myself, Thanks" He said calmly. Draco frowned. Talitha tried to hold a snicker. McGonagall then approached the First years once more, tapping Draco with a Parchment. The Young Malfoy glance at the Headmistress, then at Potter, before going back to Talitha.

"Poor You, rejected being friends with the Boy-Who-Live" Talitha teased. Draco rolled her eyes. "Shut up will you now, Tally?" He muttered.

"Shut up will you now, Draco" Talitha mimicked in a squeaky voice then laughed quietly afterwards. Draco groaned and elbowed her.


The First Years followed McGonagall inside the Great Hall, Talitha was dumbstrucked once she saw the ceiling and the Great Hall. "Wow.." She muttered. She looked at his cousin and saw he was too, dumbfounded by the place.

"Its not real, the ceiling." A Girl with bushy brown hair said infront of them. "Its Just bewitched to look—"

"She needs to brush her hair from the back." Talitha whispered, Draco nodded.

As they stopped walking. McGonagall started to talk, then Dumbledore. But Talitha wasn't listening as her head started to hurt. She started to see flashes of the future. She knew she was a seer. She just didn't know how to control it. She never told her Grandmother, or Kreacher. So she stood there, trying to concentrate. But, she just couldn't—

'My Daughter, I have missed you so much, come to papa' Sirius Voice rang, he was wearing his Prison Cell Clothes, but they were dirty and ripped apart. He hasn't shaved neither. 'Talitha don't, he's trying to get on your good side' Harry's voice spoke. 'Shut up Potter I know—'

"Miss Black!" McGonagall's Voice boomed, making The young Black look up at her. "It is your turn." She said, Holding the Sorting Hat.

Talitha cleared her throat and went up to sat on the stool. McGonagall gently placed the hat on her head. "Ah! Another Black!" The Hat spoked loudly.

"Hmm.. You have a fascinating mind, I can see potential. Just like your father." Talitha scowled mentally once her father was mentioned. "But then again, you were raised differently." The Hat paused.

'Not Gryffindor, Not Gryffindor I beg you' Talitha thought. "I wasn't going to put you there anyways" The Hat said. "A descendant of Salazar Slytherin in Gryffindor? Oh no, No Ofcourse not. Salazar would be disappointed" The Hat Muttered. Talitha's eyes widen. Dumbledore looked intrigued, Students Whispered

"SLYTHERIN!" The Sorting Hat shouted. Slytherins jumped from their seats and celebrated. Talitha quickly got down from the stool and went to the Slytherin table.

"Yes! We're Housemates Tally!" Draco said delightfully, Tugging The Young Black's robe. "Were gonna have so much fun together!"

"Yeah but.. Did you heard what the hat said?" Talitha Asked. "Oh yes, Are you really a descendant of Slytherin? That must mean your mother is a Descendant of Salazar!" Draco said.

"Hm.. I guess so.." She said as Food started to show up. "Oh, that looks yummy" Talitha said, delighted, and hungry as she started to eat.

September 31st, 1991
(Talitha's Dream)

'How dare you say that to Sirius and to Hermione!' Harry's voice shouted, his wand pointing at Talitha's jawline.

'Are you trying to threaten me? Ey, Potter?' She Sneered. 'Sirius is a prat! So are you and your Blood Traitor Father and your Mudblood Mother!' She hissed.

'Enough! Talitha.. I'm sorry I left you there with your mother—' Sirius spoke.

'Mother is dead because of you! I hate you! I hate you so much! I was raised by portraits and an Elf! An elf!' Talitha snapped. 'I don't even know how I got here in the first place!'


The Young Black Girl slowly opened the door to her Uncle's room, seeing that someone went in.

'Who's there?' Talitha said, her wand out. 'Show Yourselves.'

No answer. Talitha groaned. 'Revelio!' She casted, shadow Footprints started to show up to the Portrait of his Sleeping Uncle. Talitha walked up infront of the Portrait and muttered. 'Reveal Your Secrets'

Just then, the portrait open and there she saw—

October 1st, 1991

Talitha woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, her head hurting. Her breathing heavy. She quickly stood up from her bed and got out of her Dormitory. She slowly got out of the Slytherin Common room and took a walk around the castle. Not caring if a teacher or a Prefect saw her. She just needed to calm down.

She then arrived at the Astronomy Tower, she sat by the railing, looking up the stars, seeing the constellations and naming them one by one.

"The Night sky is beautiful, is it not?" A calm voice said from behind her, she slowly looked and saw the Headmaster himself. "My Family." Talitha whispered.

Dumbledore nodded. "Every one of your family was named by this constellations. You were not an exception." The Old man chuckled.

"Talitha.. Right.." She sighed. "I'm a seer.." She admitted to Dumbledore. "I can see glimpses of the future."

Dumbledore nodded, quite surprise but he hid it. "I see."

"Is it true..?" Talitha asked. "What the hat said? I'm a descendant of Salazar Slytherin..?" She asked. Dumbledore nodded.

"Your Mother, Gratia, was a Gaunt. She was in Slytherin also." Dumbledore answered. Talitha sighed and nodded. "Happiest Birthday, Miss Black." Dumbledore said, Talitha surpressed a smiled and looked back at the stars.

"Can you leave..? I want to be alone.." She whispered. Silence, she turned around and saw Dumbledore gone. "Invigorating you are, Dumbledore" She thought out loud, before looking back up at the night sky.

"I miss you mama.. I wish we have more time to spend with each other.." She whispered. "Happy Birthday to me.." She sighed.


The Young Heiress Of Black -Sirius Black's Daughter-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora