Seth x Magic Carpet

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Seth awoke in the morning to find the bright sun creeping in through the curtained windows in his room. "Ah, what a BEAUTIFUL morning!" He shouted. He hopped out of his bed and changed out of his pajamas, a dusty blue hoodie, and a pair of jeans, into his outfit for the day, a dusty blue hoodie, and some jeans.

He opened his front door and looked at the area around him. The bright green grass of his yard, a bright blue sky, and his neighbors' plain houses. He walked outside and trotted down the sidewalk. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a magic flying carpet flew down from the sky and landed in front of Seth. He stood on his back two tassels and waved at Seth. He flattened himself against the concrete ground and nudged himself towards Seth's feet.

Without hesitation, Seth walked onto the carpet and sat down. The carpet began to hover, and Seth gripped onto the carpet so he wouldn't fall off. The carpet lifted off into the sky and Seth let out a little girlish scream. The magic carpet steadied its ride and Seth began to calm down. After a few minutes of flying, Seth was tired and fell asleep on the carpet.

Seth opened his blue orbs and looked at the bright sky above him. It was now nighttime, probably far past his bedtime. "Yo, Magic Carpet." Seth's voice cracked. The carpet turned the front of his body to look at the human lying on him. "You're kinda." Seth bit his lip, raised his eyebrows up and down, closed his eyes, and placed a finger gun over his chin. "You're kinda mhm if u know what I mean." The carpet shivered beneath him as Seth gripped onto it a little harder. "I think you're coming home with me tonight." The carpet nodded its approval.

Together they went to Seth's house and the carpet was all snuggled up to Seth, its body fitting snugly into his arms. Soon after, things got a little heated and they chitty chitty bang banged if you know what I mean. In the morning, Seth had woken up earlier and made breakfast for the two of them. They enjoyed it. A lot. The carpet then wanted to have an early desert, and they enjoyed it for 2 hours. The carpet loved absorbing Seth's delicious, whipped cream into the strands of its body. Then one day, the popo showed up to their door and saw what they were doing and joined in on their chitty chitty bang banging. Soon the popo had to gogo and left them.

The End.

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