chapter 2

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"Who was he" the low voice grumbled still behind me. His voice radiated such soft authority, like if he said something, it was done, he didn't need to ask twice.

I turned around "an... ex-boyfriend, thank you by the way, that meant a lot to me, i really appriciate it.". "Of course" he replied. We got a couple of looks from other students, and they scrambled away the second they saw him.

"What's your name?" i said genuenly intrested. "Cole" he offered me his hand. I was a bit caught off, since nobody does this anymore, but took it back and replied with an "Ans, well actually Anastasia but everyone calls me Ans".

His handshake was firm and steady. "Anastasia" he tasted the syllables on his tounge. Ever since he arrived, he hadn't taken his eyes off me.

He held our hands together for a while longer than he should have. "Beautiful name for a beautiful lady".

Yes, i blushed but with his gorgeous eyes staring at me like that it was hard not to.

His face looked like it was carved out of wood; chiseled jaw and cheekbones, a scar through his right brow almost reaching his eye, perfect full lips- no, just because i was attracted to him physically, didn't mean i was attracted to his personality.

As beautiful as he was, it was quite scary how since i met him his face never changed from the scowl he clearly loved so much. God forbid he smiled once.

He gave off scary vibes as he was 6'4 with tattoos, with dark hair and quiet literally black eyes, but something inside of me felt drawn to him.

I shouldn't be thinking this especially since everyone at the school seemed to literally run away from him.

"Ans" a scared voice reached my ears. I turned around to see Raya standing a bit farther away from Cole but close enough to me.

"Oh, hi Raya sorry i disappeared, i'm still a bit lost" i replied. "That's okay, let's just go now" she said her eyes darting to him every second. "Sure" i said kind of confused, following her.

"WHAT were you doing with HIMM?" she interrogated me. "He saved me from my ex and then introduced himself" i shrugged.

"I guess that's an acceptable explanation, but Ans" she said still looking worried "You're new here, so you couldn't have known, but i feel like it's my job to warn you. Stay away from him before he does something to you. He's a murderer, Ans, it hasn't been confirmed but everyone knows it.

There have been multiple times when people just disappeared the next day. Some of the bodies were found, others weren't, but he's no good."

"Yeah, i get that" i replied. She continued "Plus he has the emotional range of a teaspoon, i haven't seen him smile since i know him, which is like 10 years because he lives pretty close to my house."

I let out a small laugh, then said "Yeah, don't worry about it, he just helped one time in a situation where every decent human would help out".

After school was finally over i called my mom to come pick me up. "Hi, sweetie, how was your first day?" she asked as i got in the car. "Tiring" i said slumping against the car seat.

"But it was okay otherwise, i liked most of my class and i have pretty good teachers." I added. "Well, that's good to hear."

My parents and i have a very good relationship. We had a bit of a falling out when i was suspended, but even when we fought, they always listened to me and my side of the story.

"Yeah, it is" i anwsered, wondering if i should tell her about Noah and maybe Cole. "I met a girl named Raya. She's really sweet, we get along well. She helped me settle into the whole school, and helped me find my classes" i said.

She replied almost instantly "Really Sweetie, that's amazing, it's so nice you found someone at this school, and on the first day, i remember when i met Maria..." She rambled on about the start of her friendship with Maria, her best friend.

I just stared out of the window wondering what i thought about the whole thing. When i went into my room i closed the drapes, getting an eerie feeling someone was watching me. It's probably nothing, you're just being paranoid like you always are.

I showered, did my homework, got ready for bed and ate basically my whole pantry, while watching outer banks. I felt extremely guilty and disgusted with myself later.

I don't have an eating disorder or anything like that but i have an obsession with ab workouts to help with my guilt and i track my calories all the time and cry if i eat more than 500cal. And the worst part is i don't wanna get better.


The next morning i woke up and my mom drove me to school again. I did NOT understand math, but luckily the teacher was pretty sweet, so she didn't have anything against me.

I survived school until lunch when i was greeted by an unpleasant guest. "Hey, Ans" Noah drawled. I tried to leave but he grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall. "Not so smart without your little boyfriend now are you?"

"Fuck you" I said through sharp breaths struggling to get away. "That sounds great, in fact-" bam. Cole appeared out of nowhere and punched Noah off me on the nose so hard he was bleeding. And again. And again. And again. And again.

He held him up by his collar. "Touch her again and I'll rip out your organs and feed them to you" Aiden said as he threw Noah to the floor.

Noah got up and quickly scrambled away. "Thank you. Again." I said looking up to Cole. "You're welcome. I have a proposition for you." he said. "Which is?" i raised my eyebrow.

"So you clearly have a lot of trouble with Noah, and i... have my own reasons. So i think we should fake date. He already thinks we are, and it's a matter of time before everyone knows"

"Well..." I considered it for a moment. I didn't really have a choice anyway but i could always say we broke up. I was a bit worried about getting into this with him, but it would really help me.

"Sure, but what do you get from this?" "Like i said, i have my reasons" he answered. It seemed a bit wierd but fuck it.

I held out my hand and he shook it. His hands were big and i wasn't exactly a small girl at 5'7 but his huge muscular body made me feel smaller and safer. Electricity spread over me at his warm touch but i ignored it.

"Okay then we have a deal" he said before almost starting to walk away. "Wait a second, pretty boy". Fuck what on earth possessed me to say that.

He turned around and... was he BLUSHING? Cole Monthgomery blushing. And yes i did my research.

"I'm sorry i said that, i'll never do it again i promise" i said in one breath. His expression changed and he looked... disappointed? "What did you want?" he said, his answer sounding strangely strangled. "We need to set some rules." i replied.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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