8. sweet tooth 😙

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"Tresure... !"
"What happened?"

And before I could get any answer from her she fell unconscious without a second thought I caught her in my arms...

She looks pale lifeless just like that day...she looked like this on that day 3 years ago when she lost her hope of sunshine..

My sunshine Turned into a dark night that day. No one knows what has happened on that day she directly refused to talk about it with anyone.

I tuck her into her bed. And sit there for few minutes I don't want to leave her alone but I have to, if dada or bhabhi or that two monkeys sees me here in her room it will become a big talk and it might be embarrassing for her so I left after pecking her forehead.

I can't sleep tonight. Sleep is nowhere near me I just can't stop thinking about what has happened to her what was in the phone " what the heck was it???" I whisper shouted I need to figure out it soon. I need to make everything right for her she will be happy again my treasure will get her ray of sunshine back and I will make it happen I promise

Maybe dada or bhabhi might have a idea about it. I was moving towards there room when suddenly in a hallway a thought came to my mind if dada or bhabhi or anyone in the house knows about it then the person who is behind making tresure miserable is punished already that's means they don't know. Still I will try to ask few questions from bhabhi in morning she must be really tired because of the function

I was moving back to my room when suddenly I heard her shout


I litterally Ran to her room and knock on the door loudly


"Are you up? I heard you shouting are you okay?"

"Answer me "

"I am coming in, in 10 sec"

"1...2..3..4.....9..and 10.."

I barged in her room and I saw her sitting on her bed soo still  and pale I moved towards her as fast as it was possible I need to hold her I need to protect her from whatever it is concerning her

"Tresure are you okay?"

She didn't replied for few seconds I was going to ask again when she said in a hushed tone

"N.. I don't know"

"Please leave me alone"

Hearing her words I don't know from where this ugre came to me to ruined every single thing but I need to control my self I can't loose it I worked on it for fuc#ing 3 years living far away from her I can't loose it now nooo..

"I am not leaving you again ever TRESURE "

I said the truth from my heart I am not leaving her again ever the time we were apart was enough now it's time for us to meet and love.

Listening to my words she broke down badly I can't help it I don't know what to do how to do so I just hug her she held my shirt tightly into her hands like her life depends on it she folded herself like a cocoon.

For an hour she cried straight and she eventually passed out. It's a torture looking at her like this

"I am gonna make everything perfect for you tresure whoever they are they will not be forgiven "

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