Part 1 legends pov

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I was looking in the mirror, staring back was me, parting my white hair so I could tie it up. If I'm going to catch that thing I need to be able to run and the faster I find this vampire the faster I can leave this creepy forest. Why do vampires always live in creepy forests? It gives them away like this place has almost no sunlight because of the dense trees. Just as I looped the ponytail around my hair 3 times and let go with a satisfying snap I heard a chicken's loud squeal. Sad for the chicken but good for me. I grabbed my small leather crossbody bag filled with everything to kill a vampire and ran out the door. This is a chance I can't give up.

There it is. The vampire standing roughly 50 feet away. Very noticeable with a pink plaid top and bright blue sleeping mask. They looked over at me and a sickening smile played on their lips. The vampire dropped the now dead chicken and ran towards me. I grabbed the stake from the bag and prepared for the coming attack. Fast but not fast enough. I jumped left as they leaped towards me.

"Aww come for my life?" They laughed. "Good luck" They grabbed my arms. Their touch was soft and honestly pretty gentle but strong and rough enough to hold me still. I tried to use the small bit of wiggle room I was given to maneuver the stake enough to do some damage. I missed by a long shot and the vampire grinned, their blood stained teeth on full display. "You hunters never learn. I. DON'T. DIE." The cold silence of the forest was disrupted by the unnerving laugh of the monster holding me.

"You will. I'll make sure of it" My voice was cold and sharp. I am not about to leave this place without their head. No matter how long it takes me.

The vampire let out an annoyed sigh. "Mhm and who are you, oh great killer of vampires?" They spoke sarcastically. This thing is really getting on my nerves.

I kicked their legs and with a hiss of pain their grip on me was loosened enough for me to try to attack. I didn't back up a bit before attempting to bring the stake down on them but failed because of them stepping back in a mere moment, fuck them and their quick moments. That is the worst part of hunting vampires, their speed. "I'm Legend" I tried to sound confident. I really did but hesitation filled my voice. The ground didn't feel as steady as it should.

I saw an evil glimmer in their eyes and with a toothy grin they bowed to me "Lovely to meet you Legend killer of vampires. I'm Eeper 1. The vampire who will end your career." The bow took me off guard. I very much didn't expect it. Why did they look so- NO LEGEND STOP IT! That's a vampire you aren't allowed to be attracted to it! I'm disgusted that I would even think that! Eeper 1 took a hold of my shoulder. I heard them mumble a "such a cute hunter" that was definitely meant for me to hear. They picked me up by the shoulders and dug their nails into my shoulders which really hurt and tossed me into a tree. My head went fuzzy. What the hell? You can't just call someone cute then throw them into a tree. I stood up and fell straight back into the tree, Ugh! Now my head hurts worse! I flipped the part of my white hair that covered my eyes. The more sight right now the better. I looked at the chicken and it was dead by now. Still and bloody. I can't just let them keep killing more poor animals. Not like I care about animals but still they don't deserve to be drained of their blood then left to rot. I laid my head back. This tree is oddly comfortable. My eyes got heavier by the moment. A sudden warmth was around me. I wanted no needed to see what it was but couldn't, my eyes were too heavy. I let the warm figure pick me up. I may hate physical touch but this is nice.

I must of haven asleep because when I woke up I was inside? Not my cabin though. Somewhere more sturdy and dark. Oh shit! I looked down and saw I no longer had my bag on. That monster must of taken it. I slowly stood up as to not get dizzy. I walked to the door, the wooden floorboards creaking under my steps.I reached out and took a hold of the cold brass knob. Locked. Of course. Must be that vampires doing. Eeper 1. Why would they want to kidnap me though? It doesn't make sense. They said they'd be ending my career but why would that include kidnapping? I'll figure that out after I leave.

I heard a menacing laugh from behind and froze. They're in here? I turned and glared at them. "Oh Legend what's wrong? Not fond of me?" They said in a mocking voice and putting emphasis on my name. Why can't I have my bag? It would make this a lot easier to kill this thing. Thing. I keep calling them a thing, why?

"No, I kinda hate you honesty" I shrugged better to play safe. This isn't safe but that's the better option and that's less fun. They smirked and looked down at me, that's pretty normal for people to look down at me though because I'm 4'8.

They took a few steps forwards. I noticed they didn't have shoes on or even matching socks, weird. My glare lost its confidence. I was going to lose this fight. "What's wrong? Scared without your little bag?" Eeper 1 seems to like mocking me because they keep doing it with an upbeat peppy tone that makes me want to punch them but of course I can't get to their face, too short. I am scared, it's not that I'm scared without the bag, it's without what's in the bag. How am I going to get myself out of this one? I've never been kidnapped by what I plan on killing. I also am never this worried about hurting what I want to kill. Do I even still want to kill them? I'm not sure. Why am I questioning myself? I need to stop asking questions and think. The wall! It has to be an outside wall, there's a small hole letting in some sun. Sunlight! That'll be how I do this. I ran forward, passed them and an arm warped around my waist, holding me in place. Shit! "You aren't going anywhere" They glared, the happy tone they had gone.

What now? I can't break the wall, I can't stab them with the wooden stake, what is left? I don't have to kill them now, just make Eeper 1 let me go. Bite them! Vampires tend to think human, or in my case elf bites are nasty and likely to give them infection. I faked a cough similar to the kind someone would make when being suffocated as an excuse to pull my mask down. I swung my right arm up, I can only move below the elbow because of Eeper 1 holding me, and pinched the cloth covering my chin and yanked it downward. I felt their gaze fall on me as I suspected it would. I smirked, this will end in my favor. I drew in a breath and lunged my head down and right, towards their left hand and bit down as hard as possible, I drew blood, ick. God, I feel dumb right now. With a small panicked squeal from Eeper 1, I was dropped and hit the floor with a loud thud. Ow but deserved.

"YOU NASTY FREAK!" Eeper 1 yelled out as they stepped back. Their face was filled with pure horror. I stood up and dusted off my legs and arms, removing the layers of dust that went from the floor to my clothes. Can't an immortal spend some time cleaning? They almost never seem to run out of it. Eeper 1 stared at their bleeding hand, with an almost impressed look. After a moment they sighed and walked away from me and towards the door, probably to go clean the bite. The door was slammed shut, seemingly rocking the entire room but it didn't lock? Eeper 1 didn't lock it. Perfect and all I had to do was bite them. One small step at a time I walked forward, slowly, very slowly as to not make much noise. These damn floors are so fucking loud but I'll make it out. Eventually…

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