Nara then stood up and walked towards her bedroom door, at the same time logging into her home entrance camera app to look for the previous day's footage. She moved the video cursor and fast-forwarded it with one hand, while unlocking the door lock with the other.

Suddenly, something caught her attention on the screen and she froze.

The video showed how a cadet rang the doorbell, placed the package down, and then left. Minutes later, another hooded person appeared. Based on his height and build, it was a man. He was very careful and never showed his face to the camera, then he took the package on the ground and read the labels on it. Noticing that it was not what he was looking for, the man went on to meticulously pick the lock on the door, and finally entered the house.

Nara fast-forwarded the video, but she never saw the stranger leave. What was even more shocking was that she didn't see anything out of place. If this man had stolen or moved anything, she would have noticed it immediately. This meant that he was not just any intruder.

At that moment, Nara heard a 'click' and lowered her gaze to her hand that was still resting motionless on the doorknob. Someone had moved it from the other side. Before she could back away, the door was flung open with such force that it ended up crashing into her face. The next thing she felt was a strong impact against her stomach that left her breathless and sent her flying to the side of the bed.

The man attacked silently, his actions precise and efficient. Seeing the woman on the ground, he prepared the rope he already had at hand and approached her. Sensing the imminent danger, Nara jumped up and grabbed the lamp on the nightstand, throwing it at the intruder. The sound of shattering glass echoed in the narrow bedroom that had now been plunged into absolute darkness.

Next, several guttural sounds and banging were heard, until after a few minutes silence once again reigned in the bedroom. A light was turned on. The flashlight of a phone illuminated the scene of a man lying motionless on the ground with a rope tied around his neck.

Nara tried to regulate her breathing and wiped the blood from her split lip. Just at that instant, the man she thought was unconscious reached under the bed and took out the box she had kept, then pulled out the strange ornament from it and broke it.

The next thing Nara heard was the roaring cheers of a frenzied crowd.

Word count: 980

Nara se incorporó de golpe en su asiento, tirando su móvil al suelo en el proceso

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Nara se incorporó de golpe en su asiento, tirando su móvil al suelo en el proceso. Sus ojos fueron de un lado a otro, registrando su entorno con atención. El dormitorio estaba iluminado por la tenue luz amarilla de la lámpara que había dejado sobre la mesita de noche. Ansiosa por comprobar algo, levantó los brazos y se arremangó la sudadera.

El alivio que sintió al ver los tatuajes de sus muñecas fue tal que se desplomó en el sillón sin fuerzas. Realmente no sabía si agradecer o maldecir que todo hubiera sido una pesadilla. Nara siguió secándose el sudor frío de la frente y el cuello con la manga, mientras calmaba su agitada respiración.

Noh Nara: Disorders & Delusions | Adventure in Action 2024Where stories live. Discover now